Hermione Handles it
Created on: April 22nd, 2006
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Hermione handles it - Harry's 'it'


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84 https://www.bing.com
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April 22nd, 2006
Oh boy.
April 22nd, 2006
wait a minute, i never...
April 23rd, 2006
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Martin Buber (8 February 1878 - 13 June 1965) was an Austrian-Jewish philosopher, translator, and educator, whose work centered around theistic ideals of religious consciousness, interpersonal relations, and community. Buber's evocative, sometimes poetic
April 23rd, 2006
LOL! Is that in the movie?
April 23rd, 2006
You're a pedophile. Get this crap off our fine site!
I don't know if that's a photoshop or what, but this is a pretty uninspired song choice. eh 3
April 23rd, 2006
1 star for not giving me credit for strokin
April 23rd, 2006
5 for somthing
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
"1 star for not giving me credit for strokin" ... wtf? Dude I used my own audio editor to edit the real song on my computer. I really don't care about the vote, it's just your idiocy that bothers me.
April 23rd, 2006
She can handle me anytime she likes
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
spoiler: hermoine becomes a prostitute in book 7 upon remembering her skills.
April 23rd, 2006
you're a f*cking moron. you can't make good ytmnd's, so f*ck off and die
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
Downvote if you love child porn.
April 23rd, 2006
stroke it
April 23rd, 2006
What did I just see
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
They should kill the whole cast of those movies. Look at'em, they're f*cking washed up. Potter's gotta boner for hermione cuz he's 18, he's got a f*cking double chin from drinking beer all day. And the red-headed f*ggot has a bigger dong than i do. (which
April 23rd, 2006
(which is saying alot)
April 23rd, 2006
2 because b00n likes women.
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
Heh, heh. Your name is scrotum.
April 23rd, 2006
this one's a winner
April 23rd, 2006
lol $$$$$$$$$
April 23rd, 2006
Why is it that all the Hermione YTMNDs have the best music? -CSM
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
it is well done if its photo shop
April 23rd, 2006
Pop Icon + verb + noun
April 23rd, 2006
She's got to have it.
April 23rd, 2006
wow, I thought that was real for a second
April 23rd, 2006
my song.
April 23rd, 2006
b00n you're a moron. Listen to your version and then listen to this one. This one says "that's what I've been doin" while yours jumps right to "I stroke it to the east."
April 23rd, 2006
b00n's song
April 23rd, 2006
no, b00n IS clarence carter. he views the website using a special braille monitor.
April 23rd, 2006
Also, it looks like you drew the outline of Brian Peppers' face on the wood grain of the table to the right of her arm lol. Anyone else see that?
April 23rd, 2006
5/5 stars for that scene :D
April 23rd, 2006
very appropriate user handle
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
1 star for not giving b00n credit for strokin
April 23rd, 2006
Kids these days
April 23rd, 2006
Heh, your username makes it even better.
April 23rd, 2006
even if 'b00n' was clarence carter, which he isn't, he would still be getting credit by me putting clarence carter as the source, now shut up?
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
Harry playing with his golden ball
April 23rd, 2006
f*ck you
April 23rd, 2006
That has to be photoshopped. If not then damn, nice catch. Also have the chance to x-post my herione ytmnd since it's sorta on topic :p http://hermione16bday.ytmnd.com/
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
5'd just because people are giving you sh*t about not giving "boon" credit fo the song. who cares? does every single "medieval" ytmnd give personal credit
April 23rd, 2006
O_o lol... this film wasnt made by disney! XD
April 23rd, 2006
to the user who made the original medieval ytmnd and original medieval music?
April 23rd, 2006
i lol'd even being drunk at 9AM lol
April 23rd, 2006
I still wanna know whether it was a photoshop job, because it looks real good. Looks real good for Harry too...
April 23rd, 2006
Ahhh alKHDAHASKHK i don't know whether or not to laugh.
April 23rd, 2006
im strokin to the strokin spidermandidntknow2.ytmnd.com
April 23rd, 2006
5'd just because theres too many cocksuckers downvoting you for a stupid reason
April 23rd, 2006
5 for egg
April 23rd, 2006
to take harry's mind off the tri-wizard tournament
April 23rd, 2006
Great Image!
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
Warning: There is NO spoon!!! Details to follow...
April 23rd, 2006
5'd, can you shop my face onto potter? lolol
April 23rd, 2006
wtf is that real?
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
I love people who have to bash sites and talk trash (over ytmnd?) thats sad, thats worse then playing halo 2 on a saturday night and telling someone to get a life. Have an opinion and express it, no need to be a dick about it.
April 23rd, 2006
Don't get it=1. +1 for Clarence Carter. Two'd
April 23rd, 2006
she looks dissappointed
April 23rd, 2006
Who cares about Harry Potter.
April 23rd, 2006
I didn't notice that at first. Hm. Photoshop?
April 23rd, 2006
thats just wrong! :P
April 23rd, 2006
Oh snap...
April 23rd, 2006
Hermione: Oh, Harry, your wand is so long and hard! I think... I think it's casting a spell on me... Harry: Well, it -is- wooden... Hermione: Harry, take me. Take me now. Stir my cauldron, baby. Harry: Hop on my Firebolt, Hermione, and I'll show you
April 23rd, 2006
what a whore!
April 23rd, 2006
...what it's like to catch your Golden Snitch. . .
April 23rd, 2006
n****rs love fried chicken, cornbread, and watermellon. Sometimes with black eyed peas.
April 23rd, 2006
I am so going to see this movie.
April 23rd, 2006
That's... holy crap
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
whatever man
April 23rd, 2006
b00n 1 star for not giving me credit for strokin what a tool. die.
April 23rd, 2006
Just replace "wand" with "wang" . . .
April 23rd, 2006
Heh! Got to love teenagers. She needs to grow up already, so I can stop feeling dirty.
April 23rd, 2006
You win.
April 23rd, 2006
"I love people who have to bash sites and talk trash (over ytmnd?) thats sad, thats worse then playing halo 2 on a saturday night and telling someone to get a life. Have an opinion and express it, no need to be a dick about it."_________You can suck my
April 23rd, 2006
I'm not much of a Harry Potter fan... acctually I'm not at all, but I'll admit this is funny.
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
>>photoshop image. Look at herminies legs they go nowhere they must be cut off. still, a 5
April 23rd, 2006
I'd still tap that if she had no legs, but Harry is a complete douche-bag and she looks like shes getting paid to do that.
April 23rd, 2006
(As in, Harry gave her all his Hogwortz gold for her to cop a feel cause he couldn't even make it with that azn chick, who by the way was f*ckin hawt)
April 23rd, 2006
More Harry Potter pr0n. FTW. Also, harry.
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
needs more "n64 kid handles it."
April 23rd, 2006
Harry Potter used to be cool, then I hit puberty.
5 for b00n being the f*cktard of the month.
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
its a shame the lowest vote is 1. because this afront to talent should be given lower. a pox on all 5 voters.
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
the Top 15 is sh*t once again
April 23rd, 2006
Voltarios, neither can you. ROFL, all your ytmnds are about JoshCube! Shut the f*ck up.
April 23rd, 2006
Original Image: http://www.youngstarnews.com/images_125/hp4e/hp4-gof-27.jpg
April 23rd, 2006
I wish she would give me a hand job :(
April 23rd, 2006
What...the...f*ck. I just know somebodies going to make a Harry Potter porn for sure now.
April 23rd, 2006
I never noticed that part in the movie. Good spotting.
April 23rd, 2006
5stars since b00n gave it 1star.
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
harry potter hj ftw
April 23rd, 2006
i don't remember that happening in the movie lol
April 23rd, 2006
el oh el
April 23rd, 2006
too bad he doesn't have a dick
April 23rd, 2006
...I see what you've done there...
April 23rd, 2006
animated too. wow
April 23rd, 2006
Funny Shiz 5 stars :P scrotum.... funny name that also makes it 5 stars.
April 23rd, 2006
*Spoiler* Hermione kills Harry's penis!
April 23rd, 2006
did you just animate it?
April 23rd, 2006
That was good.
April 23rd, 2006
Where are her legs at??? In the couch? good idea tho.
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
#1 on the top 15? meh
Better wit teh animations
April 23rd, 2006
She is going to rip those balls right off!
April 23rd, 2006
lol nice
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
I be damn n****rish. That's what I be doin'!
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
hermione looks pissed
April 23rd, 2006
my dad and i watched that yesterday. i told him snape kills dumbledore
April 23rd, 2006
LOL.....thats actually pretty good. I like the jailbait factor. 5ed
April 23rd, 2006
I registered just to five this.
April 23rd, 2006
I be strokin!
April 23rd, 2006
People aren't upvoting it because they think it's hot, they're upvoting it because they think it's funny.
April 23rd, 2006
I be strokin!
April 23rd, 2006
Hermione loved the taste of the sweat dampening his skin. She licked the side of his throat again, ending. with a little flick of her tongue behind his ear.
April 23rd, 2006
nothing makes me hotter than f*cking that bitch, whew!
April 23rd, 2006
im banned from 38 school districts
April 23rd, 2006
Hermy, it helps if you take off his pants first...
April 23rd, 2006
5 for animation.
April 23rd, 2006
HAHA. Thats funny, now stop downvoting.
April 23rd, 2006
lawl perfect music perfect picture... +gabillion
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
Omfg, I never noticed that
April 23rd, 2006
this is stupid
April 23rd, 2006
f*ck this pedophillic sh*t
April 23rd, 2006
pedophillic? yeah, if hermione was.. you know... an old man... sure it'd be pedophillic.
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
OMFG LOL now im off to downvote everyone that gave this less than 5 stars
April 23rd, 2006
where are her legs? in the couch?
April 23rd, 2006
Kinda lazy today, so I'm not even going to bother giving my reason for disliking this, phail.
April 23rd, 2006
im not gonna lie, thats damn funny
April 23rd, 2006
5 because b00n is a troll
April 23rd, 2006
April 23rd, 2006
im getting hard.
April 23rd, 2006
I started this fad with this one here: http://harrygetinhappy.ytmnsfw.com/ hehe, thanks for adding
April 23rd, 2006
he got little wienerz
April 23rd, 2006
NOT stolen
April 23rd, 2006
5, minus one for the crappy animation
April 23rd, 2006
Meh, not that funny. 4.
April 23rd, 2006
Everyone that says a comment like go die just looks stupid. Ignore them, this is a funny YTMND!
April 23rd, 2006
April 24th, 2006
http://i3.tinypic.com/wb43gh.gif you should use that image.
April 28th, 2006
^ I agree.
did that really happen in the movie?
July 14th, 2006
wow, i instantly lol'd
July 17th, 2006
I'll give you another star because of b00n's whining. It's funny when b00n whines. -CSM
Giggity GOO!
and Harry looks for Hermione's vagoo, and fails horribly.
August 19th, 2006
September 3rd, 2006
XD nice one!
September 3rd, 2006
February 10th, 2007