Obi-Wan is confronted by David Bowie
Created on: December 27th, 2005
Obi-Wan is confronted by David Bowie
David Bowie undoes the damage of Obi-Wan with the power of voodoo


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December 27th, 2005
nice duel... obi wan fad is picking up steam - mine -
December 27th, 2005
fcking awesome, love you man! 5'd for the win!!
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
that is f*ckin hilariuos
December 27th, 2005
It's gonna get up there.
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
Jared magic > the force!
December 27th, 2005
-1 I think David is gay and Obi-wan would own him.
December 27th, 2005
Creative though.
December 27th, 2005
Labyrinth ftw
December 27th, 2005
lol nice, btw the cow sound.. they're goats not cows :P
December 27th, 2005
5 for music only.
December 27th, 2005
The ridiculousness of this site astounds me.
December 27th, 2005
LOL i love the fainting goats
December 27th, 2005
5 for bowie's "dance majic pants" aka the bulge in his's a kids movie
December 27th, 2005
kiss me.
December 27th, 2005
5 for having David Bowie in it. The richest musician (976 million estimated) in the world and HE IS STRAIT!!!!
December 27th, 2005
Wow, the music editing is excellent. 5.
December 27th, 2005
A thing of beauty.
December 27th, 2005
David Bowie has to be the best freaking fad thing that has ever hit YTMND. I LOVE HIM!!!!!
December 27th, 2005
It's good!
December 27th, 2005
Awesome, mixing two Lucasfilm movies... You sir have won an internet.
December 27th, 2005
The Goat Wars would've beat the sh*t out of the Clone Wars.
December 27th, 2005
I love it. So random. The sound edit is nice too!
December 27th, 2005
Not the worst fad ever, but that sound is awful.
December 27th, 2005
5 for Bowie AND Star Wars. And for being funny.
December 27th, 2005
lol 4chan
December 27th, 2005
Save the animals, Davie!
December 27th, 2005
man i have 30 of these 4chan gifs lol
December 27th, 2005
i knew this would happen after the goblin king thing--- thats was teh first thing i thought of when i saw that---dance maagic dance magic
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
Get rid of that moo.
December 27th, 2005
Very good.
December 27th, 2005
Dude. 5 points for the Moo.
December 27th, 2005
Nice mix!
December 27th, 2005
Logged in to five.
December 27th, 2005
:D David Bowie makes it better!
December 27th, 2005
nice job with the music man
December 27th, 2005
Saw it on 4chan days ago
December 27th, 2005
Goblin King Jareth is the new KING of LONG LIVE THE KING! That is all.
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
your music is incredible.. 5'd
December 27th, 2005
Those poor cows.
December 27th, 2005
haha, YES!!
December 27th, 2005
Nice mix.
December 27th, 2005
They're goats, not cows, dammit!
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
wow ... we have a new YTMND hero ... the Goblin King
December 27th, 2005
lol, nice, very funny
December 27th, 2005
Someone needs to stop Jedis.
December 27th, 2005
Beef up the volume on the "DANCE MAGIC DANCE, JUMP MAGIC JUMP"
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
I was never a big fan of Star Wars. David Bowie is cool though.
December 27th, 2005
logged in just to vote for this - gif whatever, but the song (!?!?!) instant 5! so catchy, post a link with the mp3!
December 27th, 2005
lmao labyrinth music plus this gif.
December 27th, 2005
Hella magical.
December 27th, 2005
Awesome...awesome work on the sound.
December 27th, 2005
win if I ever seen one...
December 27th, 2005
freaking awesome.
December 27th, 2005
hahaha wow, i never thought that bowie song would ever be used for anything great
December 27th, 2005
cool sounds
December 27th, 2005
that is really dumb... also 5
December 27th, 2005
nice mix.
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
Wholey sh*t, that Audio is Incredible!!!! 5'D :D!!!!!!!!
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
Hax cowx
December 27th, 2005
December 27th, 2005
I know when I see one of these of 4chan, it'll be on YTMND within the hour.
December 27th, 2005
dude, change the song back to the original - its not improved, it just sounds mixed up now.. original was way better!
December 27th, 2005
The original sounded better. :(
December 27th, 2005
Bowie FTW
December 27th, 2005
December 28th, 2005
December 28th, 2005
No offense, but the sound over sound is death to my ears. It sounds like a piece of sh*t. Not only that, but it doesnt even make any sense.
December 28th, 2005
Haha, those poor goats. :D
December 28th, 2005
love it.
December 28th, 2005
btw, those are fainting goats... not cows... so, the cow "moo" is out of place.
December 28th, 2005
hehe I love these
December 28th, 2005
December 28th, 2005
Excellent job! Have you considered making a full remix MP3? This song is so for awesome it almost demands it!
December 28th, 2005
December 28th, 2005
dance magic dance!!
December 28th, 2005
this David Bowie stuff lately rules. Man I watched Star Wars III 3 times last night, I think..
December 28th, 2005
5/5 cause its totally ridiculous.
December 28th, 2005
For those of you arguing over Bowie's sexuality, he's bi.
December 28th, 2005
This is the worst fad in ytmnd history. Everyone who gives this a 5 is gay you are all f*ggots.
December 28th, 2005
That is the best. hilarious.
December 28th, 2005
Where's Bob Doles' peanut butter? Maybe he should go look for it and not be a whiney little bitch. =D 5'd!!
December 28th, 2005
Awesome music, 5'd
December 28th, 2005
Only f*ggots and sailors like Labyrinth. 1'd.
December 28th, 2005
what's with the cows?
December 28th, 2005
December 28th, 2005
That's my new favorite song.
December 28th, 2005
5'd for genius.
December 29th, 2005
This made me lol. hey check out my obi-wan site
December 29th, 2005
i watch this all the time now its so much fun to watch over and over...PS. great sound!
December 29th, 2005
December 30th, 2005
make a full length mp3 for download..
December 30th, 2005
I was going to four because of the "moo". Those are indeed fainting goats. It still makes me laugh until I cry so it is a five.
December 30th, 2005
some answers to some questions: I looked for a good goat sound and couldn't find one, so I used the moo, since they look a lot like cows at this size anyway. Find me a good goat sound and I'll put it in. The moo, fyi, covers up a part where the two son
December 30th, 2005
cont'd: where the two songs don't fit. Making a full length version is impossible for me. The songs have their moment together and then go seperate ways.
December 31st, 2005
Heh priceless
January 19th, 2006
The song is cool
January 31st, 2006
image origin = me, then uploaded onto, which then has been passed around the internet like fire due to this obiwan/bowie thing becoming a fad. :D
February 26th, 2006
It's frightening...and awesome... how well those two songs synch up.
February 28th, 2006
The music did it.
March 12th, 2006
hilarious man u did a great jorrrrrrrb
May 15th, 2006
that song is freaking amazing
June 18th, 2006
June 30th, 2006
GREAT EDITING! I love how you did the music.
July 6th, 2006
fainting goats ftw...nice sound too
hah, cute
July 23rd, 2006
lawl good work
July 25th, 2006
..With the power of Vodoo!
July 28th, 2006
f*ckin' great dude. Nice job. Mixing worked perfectly. Gaylord Bowie in full effect..5 for great justice.
July 30th, 2006
August 8th, 2006
August 18th, 2006
no! structural integrity failing!
August 21st, 2006
Labyrinth FTW
September 7th, 2006
that made me giggle. for shame.
September 13th, 2006
That mix is GENIUS! What software?
October 21st, 2006
December 13th, 2006
5'd... David Bowie + Star Wars + Fusioned music = WIN!
December 13th, 2006
Grr... It didn't come out....
February 5th, 2007
Oh, wow, I wish I found this earlier.
May 29th, 2007
This is crazy underrated!