tea for the tillerman

Lately I can't help but feel the content on YTMND is just lacking in general. I know that no matter how many nifty new features I add , this won't really improve.

As a lot of you know, the algorithms that define the front page content boxes are extremely simple and don't use most of the treasure trove that is the 180 million row YTMND database. I've been looking at white papers for �Item-based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms�, and it's fairly obvious my complete lack of college-level math is beginning to catch up to me.

I'm looking for (as futile as it may be) some aspiring statisticians or economics majors that want to come up with some creative ways to highlight good content. Since the redesign of the front page, adding new content boxes is extremely easy and I've yet to really spend any time on coming up with new algorithms.

Anyone interested in the slightest, head on over to the wiki and add some comments or come up with your own ideas for new content box algorithms.

Another thing I've been thinking about lately is cleaning up the userbase. While the mod panel is still a ways off, I have been thinking about ways to make the site better by adding some exclusivity somehow.

Some variation of the following: making the site invite only, making it so only registered users can view ytmnd (huge reduction in hosting costs), plastering ads on YTMNDs for non-registered users, deleting all the sites and starting over, etc.

I'd say we should could have a conversation about this in the comments, but since most of the users never post anything in news comments except pure shit, I don't see the use.

*EDIT*: Also worth looking at: I finally got around to writing a Vote Weighting Algorithm

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April 15th, 2007
also recommendations system white paper available here: http://www10.org/cdrom/papers/519/
April 15th, 2007
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anyone under this comment is gay
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
Well, let's not delete sites, even though 95% of it is pure sh*t. Because then a lot of neo YTMND retards would just post more, while the good ol' stuff would be gone. But, first off, you could redo the normal page. Yeah, I know, you can customize it in whatever way you want. But let's try with the "Top 10" being on there again. Put it in any order you like. But yeah. Also, for "Worthwhile YTMND's", make it so it not only has to be atleast 1 month old, but aswell, must have 10 or more votes on it.
April 15th, 2007
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lacking is just one way I'd describe ytmnd atm. And that's *SS TO MOUTH, not "at the moment".
April 15th, 2007
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wtf is this blue, its burning my eyes
April 15th, 2007
Because for some reason, I've seen quite a few sites with like 2 votes and they're really sh*tty. So try to clean up worthwhile a bit.
April 15th, 2007
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deleting all sites and starting over sounds good to me.
April 15th, 2007
if you're already a member, the invite only doesnt aply to you, right?
April 15th, 2007
Yeah there has been a lack of funnies latley. The invite thing could f*ck alot of people like myself over though. I love this site but I am not famous or in the cool clubs so I would prolly never get an invite. But hey do what ya gotta do man.
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
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it would only apply to you, polish
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
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Another thing you could do is delete the morons who have accounts, don't use em, and havn't been on in OVER NINE THOUSAAAAND ages. Aswell, try to delete the real annoyances on here. Y'know, the gimmick users, and the ones who make sites that a braindead monkey could create (With titles such as "LOL LIGHTBULB SEX WITH A SPOON AND A MONKEY HATCHET WRENCH" and it turn out to be a peice of toilet paper)
April 15th, 2007
save some money, if a site receives no votes or less than a rating of 1.99, delete it automatically.
April 15th, 2007
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damn, if only I hadn't failed my pre-calculus class last quarter. Oh well, third time's the charm....
April 15th, 2007
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NICE statistics feature!
April 15th, 2007
I really have no faith in the YTMND community, seeing as all of the comments here are "can i have chicken nuggets" and "cocaine"... so I'm not expecting you to read this max. That said, I like the idea of having invite only... it'd help prevent WOW forums sending a lame ytmnd to the top, or bookmarking sites like digg or del.icio.us. The only negative effect I can see this having is a lot of people will be turned away from the site and not want to register. It'd stop a lot of the creativity...
April 15th, 2007
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but seriously though, I only failed once and that was only because I was a lazy f*ck. Maybe when start giving a sh*t, and pass my math courses, I can help you max.
April 15th, 2007
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I see what you mean
April 15th, 2007
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also I can add 2 2 digits in my head..... yea that is pure sh*t comment.
April 15th, 2007
^^ continued... but seeing as most of the sites being created lately are old fads, it'd probably wouldn't be a horrible thing. Whoring ads to unregistered users would have the same effect I think. Whatever decision is made I agree that something should be done. Deleting every site with a score of 2 or lower might not be such a bad thing, but starting over? I'd miss a lot of sites that got me to this site in the first place 2 years ago.
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
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"It'd stop a lot of the creativity..." As if YTMND is creative right now...
April 15th, 2007
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Actually, I have an idea. Make it so you have to be 14+ to be on YTMND or something. May not have a MAJOR impact because the 12 year old kiddies will still be on YTMND via lying about their age, but it can atleast reduce the size of craptastic YTMND's.
April 15th, 2007
Yet another idea (Though I doubt you read this). Have worthwhile instead be a place that is like, hand picked by mods. Not neccisarily a "Mods favorites", but sites mods deem are able to be on there.
April 15th, 2007
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I second 16th comment.
April 15th, 2007
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BTape, quit trying to kiss max's ass, you want that mod posistion bad don't you, get on your knees to prove yourself.
April 15th, 2007
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Sadly, *ss kissers get the position more often. Of course, they also tend to be the ones with sh*t in their mouths.
April 15th, 2007
I'm all for paid accounts. I'm all against deleting any content. Updating the algorithms would certainly be for the best. Making it so only paid users can see YTMNDs doesn't sound all that great. Passing these things around to friends not familiar with YTMND is the the best.
April 15th, 2007
Sounds interesting but I'm not sure about deleting all sites. I like the registering to view YTMNDs it would possibly weed out the trolls, alt accounts etc.
April 15th, 2007
The Invite only system sounds pretty good, but I strongly disagree with the users posting that they want an age verification system. No need to get ageist.
April 15th, 2007
One of the biggest problems is that there are too many groups and cliques who blindly upvote eachothers' sites. It's obvious what the consequences of this are, and it's a very difficult situation to deal with for many reasons.
April 15th, 2007
The idea of slapping up ads for non-members is decent, though i agree with BTape on eliminating the forum tourist only here to see hoarded crap.
April 15th, 2007
Bad coding and grey goose
April 15th, 2007
On the statistics, what are the numbers at the bottom?
April 15th, 2007
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also, pure sh*t. ;D News-wise: Definitely go the registered only view ability. Deleting sites would not only be blasphemy.. but madness, as well.
April 15th, 2007
^ THIS IS... no I can't I'd have to kill myself.
April 15th, 2007
I have an idea that might make people put more thought into a YTM before they publish it: Allot a certain number of YTMNDs a user can make per week (it would require an additional column on the members table, but that's not too bad). This would Additionally, you could make this number relatively low, but it increases when the user makes a YTM that gets a good score (after a certain number of votes). This would be pretty easy to do with cron jobs.
April 15th, 2007
Listen up. I may not have the best sites on Ytmnd, but the algorithm going now can only push so far, and far enough to where every little piece of funny is wiped and smeared out of existence. The lack of syncros on animated pictures is enough to pull hairs, not to mention the choice of which browser to use (IE or Firefox). As we all know IE is fading out and Firefox is becoming a standard for the intense animations that are currently being uploaded.
April 15th, 2007
For those of you that enjoy my sites, Yes I do use macromedia software, It gives you the ability to syncro sound with animation via streaming. Oddly enough, the flash creation can be much smaller comparative to a standard upload (picture and sound) to Ytmnd. When I made my sites, I had the goal of keeping that minimum of 1.5mb upload, well my flash version is 300kb. It runs 1000x better. So here is my idea on the flash situation.
April 15th, 2007
If you do go with a flash site. You could limit each site to 1mb. or less... This will clear out the users that create sites using a full song with one picture. And, If you don't go flash, well.. implement the repeating of a picture or a gif file. A gif can be repeated any number of times before it stops. For instance, an animation that plays one time. Personally, I think you should just leave the original site and implement a flash upload.
April 15th, 2007
I agree with the dropping of the lower star'd sites, that is until after the downvoter hacks are blown up. I think there should be separate voting scales, one for commenting, which should implement the picture with the sequence of letters and numbers (when you are deleting a site) when you make a comment. The other votes would be just the non-commenting people that just click and go *pffff* 1 star. It is great to hear back or say what they want to see.
April 15th, 2007
So the main page would have Sponsored, recently created, "didn't quite make it for votes", this is like a second chance for people that made a good site but it flopped because of their timing practices, "most commented" vote, this is narrow out downvoters, most viewed, up and coming, worthwhile, most voted. There are a ton of good sites being swept aside and people that have a life can't view them because it was downvoted out of the way, plus it hasn't made it to the search database. Good luck Max..
April 15th, 2007
The option to synchronize video and audio would and not have to worry about browser discrepencies would be nice, I must say.
April 15th, 2007
I'm curious as to how this "Invite only" thing would work. Would you only have people who can make "good" ytmnds be members? And if so, where does that leave the rest of us poor smuts? I mean, sure, I haven't made any good ytmnds (or any "true" ones, for that matter), but I don't feel I should be left out of the community because of it, and I know some of the other users feel the same way.
April 15th, 2007
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btw Cat Stevens is an *ssh*le. I have stories.
April 16th, 2007
i prefer the idea of the plastering ads on non registered viewer's ytmnds. also i agree with Btape
April 16th, 2007
Yeah, invite only and deleting all the sites would be a seriously bad idea. I agree that the really poorly rated sites should be deleted, and that weighted voting is a very very good idea. You should also make something to separate the "Classic" YTMNDs from the "Modern" YTMNDs, since I haven't seen any real reason for checking the "This site is a Classic YTMND" button. I've also noticed that the flash implement is being used by many sites that don't need syncing, especially sites with still backgrounds.
April 16th, 2007
What I'd kind of like to see is an ability to flag YTMND's as under certain fads; like saying your new site is a parody of http://lol.ytmnd.com , or it's a response to another YTMND. Keywords and Search don't really cut their purpose- finding more things for entertainment- due to morons putting useless sh*t in their sites about their penis growth or whatever.
April 16th, 2007
I'm good at economics and statistics BTW.. I'm only doing A Level math but it's as good as any United States college math. I think algorithms is pure/core math though. Lemme know if you need something coz I also happen to rool at economics. :D
April 16th, 2007
I think that a good way to clean the site up a bit and keep the sh*t sites down and out of sight would be to have all ytmnd's that don't get over a 3 average rating, might as well be deleted after 24 hours of their creation. They are hardly ever seen again and are infinitly lost in the raging sea of other terrible ytmnds. We have a hard time as it is getting 10 new ytmnds in the Up and Coming each day and maybe the deletion of bad sites will stop people from posting them knowing they'll be lost in a day.
April 16th, 2007
My recommendation for improving the way YTMND's are displayed would be to add the option of Genres. Almost all YTMND's are going to be comedy, but if people could post images and sound for another purpose, it would open the door to a whole new world of creativity. Think if people could make Horror YTMNDs, or maybe just organize YTMND's based on content rather than popularity... that would help people find the YTMND they'd potentially like. Also, maybe an amazon.com style "Recommended for you" ytmnd block
April 16th, 2007
Give popular YTMND's a max rating. A rating on the top of the YTMND to show what YOU think of it, then a comment. That way you can get more involved with people's YTMND's. After a while people will come to respect your ratings if their good YTMND's. -Jon
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 16th, 2007
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"bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose" "bad coding and grey goose"
April 17th, 2007
well then, I take it you missed my GIANT SLOR ytmnd.
April 18th, 2007
dont most of the ytmnd views come from external traffic? The top viewed everyday will only go like 3,000 then.
April 19th, 2007
I like some of the ideas you brought up, but making people register before being able to view ytmnd's has a few downsides. alot of my friends have seen/experienced a ytmnd only when i send them a link to one. but, they aren't necessarily "ytmnd'ers" they just go to ytmnds when i send them a link. so if you were to make it to where they'd need to register first before seeing ytmnds, i doubt they would want to go through with it
April 19th, 2007
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bad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding and gray goosebad coding a
April 19th, 2007
April 21st, 2007
I like the idea of only allowing registered users to see stuff. No doubt people make inside joke YTMNDs and link it to everyone of their friends. Perhaps this could save some money.
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
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can I have a free chiken nugget?
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
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I liek MaTH!!
April 15th, 2007
"users never post anything in news comments except pure sh*t" lol
April 15th, 2007
I lol'd as well.
April 15th, 2007
Glad to see you're upholding the tradition.
April 15th, 2007
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early comment
April 15th, 2007
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5th, closest i've ever felt to Max
April 15th, 2007
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Sin(x)^2 + Sin(x)^2 = 1 well...advanced High School math to start
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
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Pure sh*t
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
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"it's fairly obvious my complete lack of college-level math is beginning to catch up to me." lol.
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
Invite only, I think, would restrict the site way too much. (We all remember Demonoid's invite-only crap) Having the site covered in ads for non-members would actually encourage them to join the community and learn what good ytmnds are.
April 15th, 2007
Agreed, I'd say Max should do that.
April 15th, 2007
"learn what good ytmnds are." I don't think there's ever any hope of that.
April 15th, 2007
Don't cover the site with ads, cover it with aids.
April 15th, 2007
Maybe we should focus on getting rid of the unwanted users we have before we try to catch us some new ones. I quit this site for a month because there were 5 meatspins on the recently created, and people were 5ing them. Actually now that I think of it I pretty much hate everyone here. People who don't piss me off turn out to have armies of alts. F*ck.
April 17th, 2007
I don't know anything about "Demonoid's invite-only crap."
April 17th, 2007
id actually prefer if you sponsored $25+ that you would get no ads.
April 15th, 2007
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okay, 20
April 15th, 2007
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April 15th, 2007
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To many big words. 1'd
April 15th, 2007
Max, please redirect any and all traffic coming from Digg and WoWForums to Ridin' Spinnaz.
April 15th, 2007
I agree with that notion
April 15th, 2007
I am also sharing in this sentiment good sirs.
April 15th, 2007
That is the greatest idea I've ever heard in my life.
April 15th, 2007
please let this happen
April 15th, 2007
If it gets all of those wow sites off of the front page, I'm for it.
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
How about you make it so YTMND's can't be linked directly and the only way to get to them would be going through the front page.
April 16th, 2007
Sites like Tripod have used that trick for ages. You can look at the HTTP referer field and make sure it came from YTMND (otherwise it takes you to "this image hosted by so-and-so", ridin' spinnaz, etc.)
April 15th, 2007
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" deleting all the sites and starting over"... That's a joke, yes?
April 15th, 2007
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Shapoopi shapoopi
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
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want new, awesome content? raise our upload limit to 5megs.
April 15th, 2007
"deleting all the sites and starting over" I vote for this. "most of the users never post anything in news comments except pure sh*t" haha too true.
April 15th, 2007
i vote for only registered users being able to view anything not on the front page
April 15th, 2007
that would be good but narvs would only lurk the front page like they do any way. That wouldn't really change anything
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
[] SQUARE BEATS CIRCLESLA!$@!#425sdgadfg
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
I think there should be a section for sites that have high ratings but few views and votes.
April 15th, 2007
Your the first person to actually suggest something
April 15th, 2007
I agree w/ this.
April 15th, 2007
I'm not going to lose my 555+ sites, please don't delete them
April 15th, 2007
On second thought Max, please delete all of the sites.
April 15th, 2007
I kid, I kid...Or do I?
April 15th, 2007
i want to see sites purged for this exact reason. >=D
April 15th, 2007
if you deleted DarthWang's sites, it would be like the Holocaust occuring in Polend, I mean Poland all over again.
April 15th, 2007
DarthWang recently sent me a message bitching at me for 2ing one of his sites. My reply was that I upvoted it, and it was true.
April 15th, 2007
Rolling on the mother f*cking floor and laughing my mother f*cking *ss off.
April 15th, 2007
But anyways, I think it would be great to make it so that only registered users can see ytmnd.
April 15th, 2007
"most of the users never post anything in news comments except pure sh*t" Example: 95% or above of the comments that are being posted on here...
April 15th, 2007
Wait...do you see the irony?
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
I've said repeatedly that the top viewed system is easily exploitable and simply flawed. More views does not equal better quality. Perhaps a content box in which the best sites (by rating) over the past 24 hours are displayed.
April 15th, 2007
The top viewed system is an archaic piece of the site that just sort of stuck. I never planned YTMND as a "community", the idea was that you made a site and then sent it to your friends, which was how YTMNDs originally were supposed to get traffic.
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
So back when it was designed, I thought outside visitors would make up the top viewed list (as I figured the front page of YTMND would never get a noticeable amount of traffic).
April 15th, 2007
but wouldn't that mean that those sh*tty WoW sites are actually using YTMND how its supposed?
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
Heh. YTMND was better when it was that way, to be honest. I say ban all front-page users.
April 15th, 2007
Deleting all the sites would be kinda funny. But I don't think its a good idea. Then you would see countless people reposting the old sites over and over again as their own. Maybe....delete all sites with under 1000 views?
April 15th, 2007
Oh yeah, and delete HTPAT also.
April 15th, 2007
Oh yeah, and delete HTPAT also.
April 15th, 2007
oops sorry i didn't double post the HTPAT thing on purpose.
April 15th, 2007
It was a silly mistake, kind of like HTPAT's existence.
April 15th, 2007
"sorry i didn't double post the HTPAT thing on purpose." You should have. Oh yeah, and delete HTPAT also.
April 15th, 2007
"Then you would see countless people reposting the old sites over and over again as their own. " - It would be a pain in the *ss for me to repost anything i felt worth bringing back, and yet a pain in the *ss to watch someone inevitibly reclaim something i spent time on as their own if i didnt. catch 22. deleting everything would only put my money in Richard Kyanka's bank account. if you want to go on a delete spree, setting it for anything under 2.5/50 votes seems more reasonable. 'starting fresh' is a pipe dream, because way too much work has been put into so many sites to just allow them to not be reposted, and then theres the 'curator' types who will want to restore YTMNDs past.
April 17th, 2007
like BTape with his endless supply of cache'd sites? you can thank him for repopulating fourest...
April 22nd, 2007
I agree with MasterSitsu on this. Purge all sites under 2.5 stars. Also, there should be a policy that if a site stays below 2 stars for over a month it gets deleted.
April 15th, 2007
Deleting all the sites seems a bit extreme, but the other suggestions seem like a good step forward. Hope it all goes well.
April 15th, 2007
Actually if he's gonna delete sites, he should just delete all the ones with 2 or under.
April 15th, 2007
Worthwhile YTMNDs needs fixin'
April 15th, 2007
Redirect all sites deemed sh*t to LastMeasure.
April 15th, 2007
yeah this is a good idea
April 15th, 2007
Purge old 1's periodically... If you plan on popups for non reg'd users, maybe something saying "Register to reduce pops", just so newcomers don't get turned off. I'm not sure about banning offsite links. Doesn't that encourage traffic and possible future members? Invite only is a pain in the ass. Also, your Hyperlinks to the wiki don't work. -1 !
April 15th, 2007
well said gr33nscr33n.
April 15th, 2007
[ comment (and 1 replies) is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
delete all sites and users to start over...the memes have evolved anyway
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
Sounds pretty good to me
April 15th, 2007
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Maybe even giving us the ability to create Flash movies like your latest Epic Mount hax?
April 15th, 2007
I don't think the site's popular enough to sustain itself with a registration fee
April 15th, 2007
nutnics, no flash ok, thats just more stuff that people can go on the internet, take, and make as a ytmnd. Also U and C has to go after 300 votes, I would say just expand everything. Also what is invite only?
April 15th, 2007
I myself actually wouldn't mind a registration fee. And that would certainly help keep some of the sh*ttiest sites on YTMND from being made. 1) Grab friends picture from myspace 2) Grab gay fuel song 3) Title it _______ loves c*ck. I really can't see 12 year olds paying a fee just to insult their friends.
April 15th, 2007
Right now only registered users can make sites and vote. I wouldn't mind seeing registration fees. It would stop a lot of the massive alt downvoters, unless they like wasting money.
April 15th, 2007
registration fees, while they sound helpful i think ultimately won't be. registered users who are active enough to even consider paying for registration, usually create enough revenue for the site via ads that it's unnecessary. to really solve the problem of the lack of income ytmnd has, we need to monetize the casual users, not the active users.
April 15th, 2007
not to mention, an invite only system would more or less end the downvoter/upvoter alt accounts, as invite codes could easily be tracked and used to prevent account duplication.
April 15th, 2007
i still really hold some variation of the SA model in high regard. invite only with a paid fee if you cant get an invite always seemed like a good idea to me. You can only post if you pay, and those who dont get advertisements and can only see so many YTMNDs per day before they get the REGISTER NOW screen of death.
April 15th, 2007
SA and YTMND aren't really comparable as they have their costs based in two separate areas. SA's cost come from single users browsing/participating on the forums which in turn uses bandwidth and server capacity and their profit comes from those same users paying a $10 fee to make up for that. YTMND's costs come from a user looking at a YTMND linked to them externally and then just closing the site and never coming back. Regular users view enough ads to make up for the server load/bandwidth usage.
April 15th, 2007
So charging regular YTMND users is counter productive. The key for YTMND being profitable is monetizing the actual YTMND pages -OR- just not letting casual passer-bys view them (thus removing the associated costs).
April 15th, 2007
Sheild incoming unique visitors from seeing a site. Make them go to the front page first from an outside link. Is that what you mean?
April 15th, 2007
i dont know man, charging YTMND users may be a bit of a burden to ourselves, but if the alternative ends up being the site not existing - The Nazi LOLacaust option of elimating unviewed/unvoted on sites, shutting down registration and paying to avoid advertisements is something i can live with. I dont know what other ideas to come up with - anything else would be radical changes that i havent thought the consequences of - you talked about Some reviews section before, like as if the ytmnd.com main page became a choice between going to the sites area or a more blog/different styled entertainment site/main page with a staff of contributors that could perhaps generate more revenue to the site without costing nearly as much in bandwidth.
April 16th, 2007
If I had to pay to look at YTMNDs, I wouldn't look at YTMNDs.
April 15th, 2007
Lets not delete sites for once. I like the invite only idea, however I also dislike making it so only registered users can view YTMNDs as I show my friends who aren't registered YTMNDs occasionally.
April 15th, 2007
Making ytmnds viewable to YTMND users only would turn YTMND into a massive circle jerk. Part of the charm of YTMND is one's ability to forward a link to a ytmnd to an acquaintance unfamiliar with YTMND so they'll say "WTF?"
April 15th, 2007
I love doing that.
April 15th, 2007
Or just a random person on your AIM buddy list. Especially when it's meatspin.
April 15th, 2007
i dont know why i didnt think of that. i associate wading through a minute of ads to get to a site synonmous with salon. for an unregistered casual viewer, whehter or not they sit through the ads could possibily determine whether they're one of those friends looking at a site from just some bozo following a google cache of the 'rapist search' image.
April 16th, 2007
This is very true.
April 15th, 2007
but seeing as most of the sites being created lately are old fads, it'd probably wouldn't be a horrible thing. Whoring ads to unregistered users would have the same effect I think. Whatever decision is made I agree that something should be done. Deleting every site with a score of 2 or lower might not be such a bad thing, but starting over? I'd miss a lot of sites that got me to this site in the first place 2 years ago.
April 15th, 2007
The blue is slowly disappearing...
April 15th, 2007
OMG, the blue is decaying at the age of the posts! I can see through my hand! We are all doomed.
April 15th, 2007
Maybe you should shut down ytmnd for a little bit and get a little rest.
April 15th, 2007
"When a forest grows too wild, a purging fire is inevitable and natural...The movement back to harmony will be unstoppable this time."
April 15th, 2007
pure sh*t
April 16th, 2007
I wasn't expecting you to post something like this, I thought you were one of the mature ones!
April 15th, 2007
You might be able to add various categories that users could categorize the site in the voting window, top votes for categories will place the YTMND. i.e. 5 clicks on "Fad", 3 clicks on "Classic" 1 click on "F*ggy short film", YTMND site classified as Fad. The would be able to change categories as diffent clicks come in. Category tabs on the front page could also help us sift through and view sites we would like to see (or ignore). That way users will be doing most of the sorting.
April 15th, 2007
I like that idea
April 15th, 2007
yes yes
April 15th, 2007
Should be check boxes as opposed to radio buttons; what if a site is Classic AND Fad? In any case I support this, but I WON'T support free tagging (then it becomes Slashdot-type groupthink crap).
April 15th, 2007
Good point, gamekid.
April 15th, 2007
The tag idea is good, but I think tagging should be done by site creators. Then let us personally rate tags so that if I don't want to see, for example, all the retarded imus sites, I can one the tag and that will lower the effective rating of all sites with that tag, for the purposes of determining the top 10 etc that I personally see. Let people fit themselves into whatever YTMND subcommunities they want by how they rate tags.
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
"Lately I can't help but feel the content on YTMND is just lacking in general." I blame myself, I have YTMND block. I don't know about deleting all sites (even though I have most of my site files saved), but maybe if a site has lower than a 2.5 rating after 30 days set it up for auto deletion. I see new users register all the time, but not all of them activate their account. After 24 hours delete them.
April 15th, 2007
Don't delete old users who have sites, but stopped coming here. They may have good sites.
April 16th, 2007
Agreed there - the "put him in a bodybag!" thing from last week is a good example of why not to dump out old stuff from people who abandoned ship.
April 15th, 2007
To END the TOP VIEWED wars, all we need is a ratings cutoff. If a site doesn't have a 3.5 or higher, it just doesn't show up on the Top Viewed board. Also, the only way I can think of to improve YTMND quality is to provide some sort of small time rewards system for good content. Not cash, but YTMND privileges like mod status, cool colored comments, or what have you
April 15th, 2007
lol, atleast someone has a brain on here. I agree, the top viewed wars sh*t is just that- sh*t.
April 15th, 2007
dude, alot of sites arent that good period its pointless
April 15th, 2007
there is a LOT of sh*t out there, yes. But punishing morons only makes them fight harder. Rewarding good sites will help make more GOOD sites. And with enough good, the sh*t doesn't smell so bad
April 15th, 2007
Star/icons, "member status" as on so many forums, based on variables... membership time, site ratings...
April 15th, 2007
i agree with styken
April 15th, 2007
nice Styken. Something visible on the front page so once you get one, people know yours are the sites to look at first before the LOL, MYSPACE sh*t (didn't reply by accident so its down on the page... also, add "delete my comment" box please
April 15th, 2007
I agree with Styken, it might be a nice thing to have like, rating stars for members. And Max being the only person with 6 stars.
April 15th, 2007
Maybe some of my money in my sponsorship plan can goto whatever you need max.
April 15th, 2007
ytmnd is amazing precisely because it's an open playground where people can run arround with free reign. to make it exclusive will ruin it.
April 15th, 2007
April 15th, 2007
I agree with this. Exclusivity would be bad, and even probably make the fads more and more prevalent. What should be done is just fixing the main page, so actual good sites show up where the most people can see them. This could be done many ways, but my favorite suggested so far is getting rid of the Top Viewed in favor of something merit-based. Perhaps if a stars-for-members deal was set up, there could be a box for the highest-rated site of the highest-rated members.
April 15th, 2007
Perhaps add an advertisement page that you have to click past or w/e to get to the ytmnd for non-registered users. And I believe you already mentioned it in another update; but make it so new users have to make a site, and if it gets downvoted enough in the first 24hrs they get deleted. On the same note, if a users average rating for all sites is lower than say 2.0 they get get suspended and can ask a mod to unsuspend them, or deleted altogether. Or maybe just the sites with a rating less than 3.0
April 15th, 2007
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Yeah I'd say delete a site that's been on YTMND with less than a 1.5 rating for 24 hours
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