"Cease and Desist" from Neil Bauman

I received this email from Neil Bauman (Eric Bauman's father and "Executive Vice President of Ebaum's World Inc.) earlier today, followed shortly after by a second email with only "Please feel free to post this if you have the gonads.".

I strongly suggest you read more to see the most magical email thread I have ever been involved in.

From: "Neil Bauman"
To: <legal@ytmnd.com>
Subject: Cease and Desist
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:01:53 -0500

To Whom It May Concern:

Please be advised that several of your forum soldiers have decided to personally visit our corporate offices. The pictures they took while trespassing on our property were proudly posted on your site. In addition some of the postings on your forum literally threatened murdering Eric Bauman. You have now officially crossed the line. You can consider this formal notification that we have initiated a criminal complaint with several agencies including the FBI Cyber Terrorism Unit. I realize that most of your entire website is comprised of pathetic, pimply-faced maladjusted pre-teens whose parents don't love them, and their best Saturday night date takes AA batteries. Be that as it may, you have now become a criminal threat. There a lot of people now monitoring your site. I strongly suggest that there are no more unauthorized "visits" to our office. There will be severe penalties for failure to heed this warning. The forum banter on your site means nothing to us or anyone in the world for that matter, but your threats of bodily harm and property damage cannot be ignored. I was afraid that the FBI and police departments would not be responsive. I was pleasantly surprised to find the contrary.

Interestingly, no individual or corporate entity has approached us with any question or problem regarding the content in question. This is true lunacy! There is this big dispute over a piece of content that we received a signed release for. Do you have any idea how foolish and immature you look through this? Of course I am referring to the real three dimensional world where real people live and work. You and your forum obviously live in very dark places where they don't teach spelling, grammar, logic, reasoning�etc. Well, that being said, we don't care how you advertise your stupidity, but eBaum's World Inc lives in the real world, and we are very tolerant and sensitive to the underprivileged and the mentally challenged. We will however use any and all legal remedies to ensure our safety. The police and FBI are taking this very seriously. I will leave you with this challenge, if any member of your forum or anyone any where wants to challenge our policy, simply come out from under your rock and call me on the phone, or schedule an appointment. I would be happy to discuss any problem with any credible individual. Of course I am assuming that these "kids" are capable of meaningful dialogue. We have received hundreds of calls, but alas, zero meaningful dialogue, only weak pranks. Judging from the posts I have read from your site I am confident that no one possesses the aforementioned skills necessary to pull that off. The first guy you sent in here probably soiled his pants when he couldn't answer the simplest question and literally ran out the door�LOL. I don't think he is a candidate for Mission Impossible. The police have already contacted him and our lawyers will have fun with Ben and his parents. The invitation stands. BTW, the FBI told me that the operators and facilitators of your site are more liable than they think; they also assured me that nobody from your site would come out from under their rock to talk. They likened your forum to terrorists who always stay under ground. Is that the way you envisioned your forum at its inception? How pathetic. I look forward to your reply.

Neil J. Bauman

Executive Vice President
eBaum's World Inc.
Fax: 585-292-0722


Upon receiving this I could hardly believe it was real, as it would be somewhat surprising to see an "Executive" of a company act in such a way. I immediately called the office of eBaum's World Inc. and left a voice mail for Neil. This is the letter I received some time later.

From: "Neil Bauman" <neil@ebaumsworld.com>
To: <support@ytmnd.com>
Cc: "'Eric Bauman'" <ebaum@ebaumsworld.com>, "'Jason Martorana'" <jason@ebaumsworld.com>, <wlevinson@culleymarks.com>
Subject: Phone Message

Dear Max,

My assistant informed me that you called our corporate office to verify the correspondence titled Cease and Desist was in fact sent by me.it was. I would like to have any kind of meaningful communication with you or anyone representing your site. As stated in my earlier note, we have never been formally contacted by anyone regarding the questioned content. I am easily accessible during normal business hours. Feel free to contact me if you are capable of exhibiting a nominal use of some professionalism. I have had a great deal of contact from several of your loyal followers. That contact was far from meaningful or professional. In a short time you will be held accountable for the deeds and threats that were aimed at our site and our people. Obviously you have lost possession of your Yiddish cup. We are not about to be physically threatened by you or anyone else. If you thought this was a joke, you are very misguided. I am not one to be trifled with. How dare you and your brethren make death threats against our personnel? There is no veiled threat here, just your wake up call. You had the ability to stop this early in the game and choose not to. That strategy will prove to be a serious mistake in judgment on your part. Soon you will be contacted by Federal Investigators. Have a great day.

Neil J. Bauman
Executive Vice President
eBaum's World Inc.
Office: 585-292-0069
Fax: 585-292-0722

He even CC'd his lawyer. You would think a lawyer would tell his clients that isn't in their best interest to write such emails.

And my response:

Dearest Neil,

I appreciate every email I get, but yours holds a special place in my heart!

If you had been paying attention, for the last three days I have been deleting hundreds of users, sites and posts with pieces of your personal information.

I'm done.

I don't think you understand the extent of this situation. People have been attacking me and my ISP just for making public statements NOT to attack you. You obviously overestimate my involvement, but I guess you have to be paranoid when you are so widely hated. These users who are attacking you are doing so on their own accord.

You may think that because you steal your content via "submissions" you hold no liability to the content you host. The fact is, I run my website as a hobby. I have a full time job so I can pay my rent, I can't pay moderators. I generally try not to be involved in sleazy practices, both in business and in my personal life. It amazes me with the history of your site and the massive amount of internet users that can barely spit your name out in disgust without following it with an expletive that you still don't get it.

I am not a part of this. I run a website where (some) people spend a lot of time and effort CREATING things to entertain others. You run a site where you TAKE and REBRAND things to host them without citing credit. How long do you think you can hide behind your "submission" technique?

I think we both know there is no possible way the majority of the content owners from which you steal can beat you on the civil level. This is due to the fact that you are a sleazy businessman that practices underhanded techniques and has a team of lawyers, while the people who are creating the "crazy" content you so masterfully profit off of have NOTHING. These people don't have lawyers, they probably earn very little if nothing off their works. Do you think if this Lohan issue went to court either side would win? No, we both know it would go nowhere, and this is why you still have it up. These kids don't want your money, they want the general respect any person should give. When someone spends the time to create something, regardless of their content sources, they just want to be cited. Fuck, is it really that much of a big deal?

Ebaumsworld Inc has a notorious reputation for being non-responsive and trying to make everything an uphill battle every step of the way. Last night I spent an hour on the phone with your hosting company, explaining the steps I was taking to try and prevent further damage from happening and explaining that I was willing to help out however I could. This morning I received a phone call from your office about a content issue on forums.ytmnd.com and how someone had posted your addresses. I explained that I had already deleted the posting earlier that morning. As a webmaster I can understand the major privacy invasion this entails and as I told your host, I want nothing to do with it.

Let this be an example of how angry the community (and not just on my website) is at your practices. I didn't put these kids up to these charades, they choose to do it on their own free will. I made public statements warning people of the legality of these issues and how it just isn't worth it to harass people in this way, and they still visited you. Do you really think so many users of my website would be so angry if someone from this community HADN'T spent the time to make that image? Do you seriously think these people are delusional enough to actually make this big of a deal over nothing?

I'm not sure of your legal background, but in my experience sending a letter degrading and demeaning the very community you steal and profit from isn't a valid way to send a legal notice, nor is using "LOL" in a sentence. This is not the way the "executive vice president" of a company acts. You sent a cease and desist but never explain what it is you want me to cease or desist doing?

I will help the FBI and local authorities out any way I can and I will provide them with any possible information they could need. I'm even willing to take a lie detector test, how about you? I have no quarrel with eBaumsworld. That being said, here is my challenge to you:

How about you stop hiding behind the money and privilege of a legal team paid for by PartyPoker popups and admit you and your employees are engaging in profiting from theft and purposefully going out of your way to make sure content creators don't get credited for their work? Who is the person that claims they made the work in question. If they signed a consent and release form why not make the information public?

I tried to be amiable. I tried to offer you my help in ending the entire thing and you did nothing but insult me, when I think it's obvious I have had nothing to do with this. I'm done with you. I will continue deleting things that break my terms of service, but beyond that, expect nothing. Here is my final offer: tomorrow at midnight I will delete anything with the term "eBaum". I offer to do this for you if you remove lohanfacial.html from your website.



Sole proprietor, YTMND.COM

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January 11th, 2006
Very nice.
January 11th, 2006
I don't know who made the Wikipedia entry of "World Wide Web War 1" -- but it certainly places things in perspective. Yeah, Neil does look like a buffoon submitting a more-or-less corporate letter like that without contacting his lawyers and whatnot to confirm that he infact won't be making a wrong move and giving others a reason to counter-sue (if you will). That being said... I am also suprised that all of these different communities stood up, it's a very honorable thing to do for something that you created. Naturally, it shows that infact, 'we' (the majority of people who stood up for the content being created -- and then exploited by Ebaums) don't needd to hide behind lawyers nor paperwork. Yes, it has some concenquences, very bad ones, but its the concenquences that some people need to face in order to tell others (for example, Neil/Eric Baumen) that their sh*t-work is a wrongdoing.
January 11th, 2006
WOW MAX! That brought a tear to my eye. That was masterfully written my friend.
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
Max said he would delete anything with the term ebaum, not if the site was about ebaum.
January 11th, 2006
You're Winner, Max!
January 11th, 2006
Wow... and to everything "LOFL"
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
Ebaum's dad LOLs? What a f*ggot.
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
Owned indeed.
January 11th, 2006
Uhh was it really that big a deal to try and get the FBI involved, not that their busy solving cases, that would be utter lunicy.
January 11th, 2006
FIVE! Oh wait, this isn't a YTMND. Oh well, FIVE anyway!
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
(although I've not been able to verify the new filename on the wiki, and it was posted without reference. It's to be taken with a grain of salt, but such a move is not out-of-character, judging from the emails, so I tend to believe it. It'd be nifty if someone could find the addy to the file on ebaum's server...)
January 11th, 2006
Try accessing the image at the http://www.ebaumsworld.com/images2/lohanfacialfucuguyz187 address, you'll get a 404. I think it's actually down for good, unless it's been moved again.
January 11th, 2006
>>AMT It was up under that name, but has been recently taken down.
January 11th, 2006
He took it off his site completely. Now, tonight at midnight, all ebaum refences will be gone. Do it, Max, delete everything. This internet war is tearing me apart! lol
January 11th, 2006
I sent an angry e-mail to Bauman, just telling him to act his age, "LOL","BTW" is that really what you would but down on a formal E-mail
January 11th, 2006
Think again you left the .GIF part off. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/images2/lohanfacialfucuguyz187.gif
January 11th, 2006
Kids these days.
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
Hokey smokes Bullwinkle. D= I must say Max, you certainly handled your response with the utmost grace. A shame (heh) I can't say the same for the other guy.
January 11th, 2006
Oh Max...You have shown me the error of my ways. Your logic and reason are comparable to that of even Phoenix Wright, ace attorney. I hope you can stop the menace that is eBaum.
January 11th, 2006
Oh, dear. I see no good coming of this. Max, you're clearly in the right here, but this conflict threatens to destroy the internet as we know and love it. The writing's on the wall. If this doesn't end soon, then online entertainment, and most likely the internet as a whole will degenerate into a cesspit of bullsh*t legal contracts.
January 11th, 2006
Very Well Handled.
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
yeah!! wowzers!
January 11th, 2006
I can't believe this guy is the VP of anything. Those were the most classes statements I have ever read. Way to make him look like the piece of dog excrement he is.
January 11th, 2006
>>Shaun1018 Nope still getting a 404...
January 11th, 2006
YOU Pwn!!!!! YOU GOD
January 11th, 2006
max if you would have ended your email with "also, cocks" id give you a bj
January 11th, 2006
Max owns eBaum's life and eBaum's dad too.
January 11th, 2006
Fighting on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics
January 11th, 2006
Very well handled, Max.
January 11th, 2006
when did they take down the Lohan thing?
January 11th, 2006
sh*t, I even doubted it was him when I saw the part about Gonads.
January 11th, 2006
after all this, the Paris Hilton facial ytmnd on 'hall of fame' should be replaced by the Lohan one.
January 11th, 2006
I've been around since 2400bps modems were the fastest thing on the market and one had to sit up till 2am to get a post in on a 300bps BBS, back when everyone typed with capitals, punctuation, and our smilies were sideways. Hang on, Max, your site reminds me of the old days of just sheer original *stuff*... I have to say, the 'board-war' is included in that. Now where's my walker?
January 11th, 2006
Nice going, I do admit I participated in this war but to go into their office and tresspass, thats going a little too far with this war thing. I hope for the best in this cituation. If this goes fully to court, go all out, you have our support to any damage or anything else that got out of hand. God Bless
January 11th, 2006
Excellent work. I like your grammar, my lord.
January 11th, 2006
I love how Neil goes on about professionalism, but makes a Jewish joke, criticizes and stereotypes YTMND users, and uses the word 'LOL'. Real professional. Good show, Max.
January 11th, 2006
nice one. PWNT
January 11th, 2006
I'm not sure e-mailing Neil himself is the best course of action to take, that will only goad him on further, and I'm pretty damn sure Max isn't interested in having a legal battle. Please...nothing like this: http://myreplytoneil.ytmnd.com/
January 11th, 2006
This should be made into a movie.
January 11th, 2006
I've been online for a year now, and I've only just discovered YTMND in the last few days. Ebaums, I've known of much longer and even went as far as to join their forums. But now that I know of the way they do business, and how they carry themselves on personal levels - I say FVCK them. Their site is a dead one to me......
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
I would 5 star this sh*t if I could
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
wait wait wait... he actually said LOL?!
January 11th, 2006
Nice reply Max.
January 11th, 2006
Once again max, you prove yourself to be the true king of the internet. Good show.
January 11th, 2006
wow, im no "pimply-faced" kid that has a battery operated date, im a drunkard that goes and bangs on hoes in nightclubs! :X
January 11th, 2006
You WIN Sir! They took Lohanfacial off their site!!! NIIIIIIIICE!!!!!!!!!!1
January 11th, 2006
The war has begun!
January 11th, 2006
We win!
January 11th, 2006
a 40-year old "executive" who lives in his office and says 'LOL' while throwing anti-semitic remarks, versus Max? gg ebaum, your dad f*cked it up for you.
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
Wow, if that's professional at ebaums world...
January 11th, 2006
Very excellent "professionalism" on ebaums' part, referring to us as pimply-faced maladjusted teens. I cant think of very many things further from professional than petty tunnel-visioned insults from a thief. Sincerely, Nick Carroll
January 11th, 2006
Amazing, absolutly amazing. My discust at eBaumsworld Inc now knows no bounds and as does my respect for max
January 11th, 2006
GO MAX!!!11 Hells yeah!
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
I never heard of ebaumsworld before this incident. And I will never visit it again. Waste of time.
January 11th, 2006
Lol, his dad has a 'job'.
January 11th, 2006
Well said Max. And what a dumb *ss Niel is you're right you are trying to help and he just spits in your face. What an A-Whole and nice offer for the "I will delete anything with the term "eBaum". I offer to do this for you if you remove lohanfacial.html from your website. But i bet like a million bucks he wont *And if he does please don't hold me to this im broke LOL* Well once again nicely done Max.
January 11th, 2006
Sir Goldberg, nobody could have done better
January 11th, 2006
"I am not a part of this. I run a website where (some) people spend a lot of time and effort CREATING things to entertain others. You run a site where you TAKE and REBRAND things to host them without citing credit. How long do you think you can hide behind your "submission" technique?" Well said.
January 11th, 2006
MAX IS GOD! A team of intellectuals, lawyers and script writers could not have written a better reply. I'm looking forward to reading the response from the "executive vice president".
January 11th, 2006
I'd like to give all the fredit in the world to Max Goldberg for exuting his true professialism in his response to the fraud eBaumsWorld. Enduring religious slurs (WTF is a yiddish cup)and the most blatant condescending talk ever expressed in a letter, he showed true character by putting up with this BS. Keep on kicking ass, Max, and everyone, convince everyone you know to boycott eBaumsWorld immediately and so that the fraudlent site can now CEASE AND DESIST...
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
Well said Max. Well said.
January 11th, 2006
Great response. Neil was clearly in the wrong to resort to insults and threats, and I'm glad you didn't turn to name-calling.
January 11th, 2006
Since none of us redneck gentiles had any idea what "Yiddish cup" was supposed to mean, I'm presuming that the Baumans are also of God's chosen people - so Neil wasn't being anti-semitic, just making a very personal insult. ... still a douchebag.
January 11th, 2006
Neil responded to my formal cease and desist by removing the image. We are in talks now to have the image put on there with MY watermark, along with a link to YTMND (help Max get a little more traffic).
January 11th, 2006
All hail Max!
January 11th, 2006
^^ Well Done SpliceVW
January 11th, 2006
I think "lol internet war" summed it up fairly well.
January 11th, 2006
So, I guess everything ended well?
January 11th, 2006
lol i live in rochester
January 11th, 2006
to steveos666 - the lawyers email is under that one, its wlevinson@culleymarks.com
January 11th, 2006
how do I 5 this????????????
January 11th, 2006
Good Job, Max you ARE my Hero.
January 11th, 2006
you should have pee'd on him
January 11th, 2006
That, sir, was the greatest thing I've ever read in my life.
January 11th, 2006
Neil got pwned. Simple as that.
January 11th, 2006
Max pwns
January 11th, 2006
did you get a reply from him yet?
January 11th, 2006
doenst the fbi have better thingsto do? like try to find terrorists?
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
I would pay money to see the guy's reply...
January 11th, 2006
My hero
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
I'm printing this page.
January 11th, 2006
Max for president!
January 11th, 2006
Max, you are awesome. Have a cookie.
January 11th, 2006
I wanna write one. "Dear Max somethingorother, LOL, man you da hizzle. Stop dis sh*t or I blank you shiz fulla nubs yall. haha l8z." Meh, they both hold the same amount of credibility.
January 11th, 2006
I recently heard that eBaums world makes about $6000 a day. They have their own building, employees, and lawyers. Max has (if i am correct) NONE of that. He has a normal job and makes an honest living. The cheap bastards at eBaums world cant get off their lazy butts to get permission to use a picture or song. It would probably take LESS time. And if an EVP is that unproffesional with letters like that, his son is probably much worse. Max has tried to stop this, but the people at EB can't take the time to check their info. Max gets blasted. For nothing.
January 11th, 2006
Looks like eBaumsWorld link was removed from Fark. Losing friends fast, ey?
January 11th, 2006
And you know, I'm sure somewhere the term "conflict of interest" would come up, considering the fact that Eric's FATHER is vice-president of his corporation. It is rather difficult to see the FBI investigating YTMND when a blatant illegality is taking place in ebaumsworld.com's corporate offices. Owned.
January 11th, 2006
*resounding applause* Nice work, Max. You truly are the man now, dog.
January 11th, 2006
http://www.ebaumsworld.com/lohanfacial.html it's gone! but its up at http://www.realfunnyvideos.com/ on their homepage
January 11th, 2006
Totally PWNd.
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
I as well find it pathetic that someone with neil bauman's overall intelligence and maturity is the vice president of ebaum's "corporation."
January 11th, 2006
seems like real funny videos stole ytmnd content too...
January 11th, 2006
I want to know which kids thought it was funny and smart to go and send death threats--way to dig the grave, fellas. Just because eBaums is a site that profits on dishonesty does not mean that measures of that extent are necessary. Still, I'm so impressed that so many people decided that they were fed up with the injustice, and, finding no help--especially from the legal system--decided to try to remedy. Too bad vigilante-work never gets anywhere. =\ But bravo to Max for standing up for his rights--you really did have nothing to do with this, and you stick by it.
January 11th, 2006
I'd also like to point out, Ebaum's World has had enough proof that the Lindsay Lohan thin was in fact stolen. As for the "immature" prnaks, I'd like to ask Eric Bauman how mature it is to withhold credit from things people have done. Next time Eric, type the message yourself, pussy.
January 11th, 2006
I wouldn't be surprised if bauman has his lawyer write his next response so he doesn't look like so much of an ignorant jackass.
January 11th, 2006
Okay, he took the image down, now EVERYBODY STOP, he's trying to catch you out.
January 11th, 2006
I wonder if I can sue him for emotional damage for calling me a terrorist... (Honestly, if I had the time, I'd get myself an appointment and shut that git's mouth up in person. Yeah, because we don't watch our grammar and spelling in a site meant for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. D!ck.)
January 11th, 2006
Max! Create a watermark for YTMND!
January 11th, 2006
I have an awfull feeling that his lawers will find something and put it all on the site but I've got faith in YTMND! I hope he can put himself together and actaully think it all over ignoring the fact that hes steaming mad... Maybe next time he'll remember; Never leave an angry message or email... It can always come back to hunt you!
January 11th, 2006
Stan: Wait, before we put a message out, do a search on the images of ebaum. Kyle: Hmm OK Found: 8,000,000 taken pictures found with the ebaumsworld tag on it.
January 11th, 2006
Watermarks are lame.
January 11th, 2006
Ok I just finished reading the other comments, YOU GUYS HAVE TO STOP!!! All you guys are doing now is making us seem like ignorent jerks and although most of us may be, the site still deservs no peneltys for some hackers and spammers actions. By saying "MAX PWNZ" or something kind of proves that we don't care and can't do anything like real people (hahahaha, I couldnt hold in the loughter after thinking that out in my head). Stop all of this before eBaums finds something they can sue max for. Just let it go, he took the image of anyway, now lets hold up our part of the deal...
January 11th, 2006
pfft! I love how Neil just talks down to Max as if Eric were the pope or something. Arrogant bastard. Anyways, its quite clear who won this battle! I just hope that one day we will be able to see this kind of unity of webmasters again.
January 11th, 2006
Its true!! eBaums world lead by *ssholes. my two cents. you go max
January 11th, 2006
Watermarking something makes it seem less "user-based" and alot more "submit-maybe shown" and corp. like. I like the good old YTMND we got going now... HURRAY USER BASED!!!
January 11th, 2006
People on eBaum's forum are saying this is a hoax. Max would never deceive us like that. Eric on the other hand has stolen content blatantly, lied about the origins of said content(Direct embed of Sega Game), has made a lot of money (approx. $6000 a day) off of this said work. I wonder how much of this money goes to solving things out of court and legal fees. Things we can do to help: 1. Advise his employers (Advertising Companies) of the crude and inane attempts to rip of others work via the "Submission" plot. If advertisers realize that you won't buy from them they will quickly change their minds about giving him the money he needs to run his site. Simple and effiective. with as many users there are on YTMND.com there should be very few problems considering everyone uses ok grammer (occasional mistake is fine just don't sound like a complete f*cktard) and spelling. 2. Stop the Dos and hacking. We need to take him out the legal way. 3. Give Max our support and help.
January 11th, 2006
... right action... I want to try and help legally... check out the link... http://gumundershoe.proboards67.com/index.cgi
January 11th, 2006
Had to log in to comment on this. I'm not an author of many good sites, and I've known about Ebaum's stealing but never truly cared about it until now. I thought what happened in the past few days was immature on both sides, for us and them, us with our DDoS and hacks and insults, them with their insults and (empty?) threats of legal action. But this email is a jewel in max's "crown". He proved that you don't need to use insults or threats to get your way, you just need to be calm, unfazed, and willing to negotiate to get your way. And max did it. And he won a greater victory than any of our whining did (I myself was not a part of the raid but was with you all in spirit). I hope this is an example to everyone about how to handle disputes.
January 11th, 2006
I wouldn't worry too much about any legal attacks made by the Baumans on YTMND or any person in that matter. This email proves in fact that the Baumans aren't researching their facts and are in fact THREATENING Max in a very unprofessional manner. Seriously, how can a man like that run a business. Not that I consider a page like Ebaums a business.
January 11th, 2006
The above comments, and preceding post by Max, have gone over this Jurble's head, however, I would just like to state, when in the course of human events, it becomes clear that one turnip hath the cucumber in a vicelock, then it is neccessary for all carrots to rebel, and eat some raviolies. The above is nonsense.
April 7th, 2007
January 11th, 2006
The way in which he talks about the FBI makes me think he is full of bullsh*t and that Neil's fears came tru and the FBI and police did not in fact take him seriously at all. In fact, it really sounds like a 15 year old wrote it, with the internet slang (such as LOL) and blatant insults and slander to you and the YTMND forum members. I think ebaum, or even is little brother (if he has one) is just being an angry *ss who has no case whatsoever... also check legaladvice.ytmnd.com to see part of my point.
January 11th, 2006
Man, Was that unprofessional or what, anyways Max great job. Oh yeah I found a yiddish cup http://www.ibiblio.org/yiddish/Vort/vort-m_files/frontp47.html
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
WE WON! http://www.ebaumsworld.com/lohanfacial.html
January 11th, 2006
Max is awesome.
January 11th, 2006
This is too serious, I'm taking a break.
January 11th, 2006
yo, max... if he takes you to court ill donate $ for ya legal fees.
January 11th, 2006
ebaum needs to learn to not take threats from ytmnd seriously.....it's ytmnd...if we wanted anything done one of the die hard ytmnd users would have called the mafia...let's just end this "war" and let it be..like the beatles song goes
January 11th, 2006
Wow, I never though about this...congratuation Max, you just won a cookie! :D
January 11th, 2006
Max ownsss sooo hardcore
January 11th, 2006
I can see the letter to the FBI right now: Hey, there are these f*ggots on the internets that are making fun of us because we have a graphic that looks like theirs but it ISNT omg! They Haxx0r'd us and put paper signs all over my door. they were taken off right after but omg that the sux. I want you internet police (lolinternetpolice.ytmnd.com) to go and kick their asses. Don't for get your Yiddish Cups. Tell them to quit making fun of me too =(.
January 11th, 2006
Man talk about people trying to sound bad *ss just because they can say the word FBI in a sentence.
January 11th, 2006
Right behind you all the way max, if he does actually sue we shall start The Money For Max Foundation
January 11th, 2006
YTMND-alliance Victorious!(Samurai Warrior reference)
January 11th, 2006
Neil was pwned!
January 11th, 2006
I respect you Max. Thank you for ytmnd.com,and I am behind you all the way! GJ!
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
all I have to say to the rebellion users that didn't listen to Max from the beginning, I have 2 things to say. Number 1 Sucks to be you. and number 2 Told ya so. Max You are going into my Book of heroes now for taking most of the rebellions on here crap. They didn't listen to you yet you still gave them warning. Even if you're banning now, These people were ruining you're site and you waited until it went too far. I would've never done that, I'm a coward. You're brave. and I'm saying that in a serious way. I am not joking or critizing you. You are a real brave man, You did what only the strongest men have done. You Waited
January 11th, 2006
Max... why the hell are you so f*cking cool?
January 11th, 2006
the picture has been removed from the site ... max wins =) /cheer
January 11th, 2006
Does this mean half of the top 15 will be gone tomorrow?
January 11th, 2006
It has to be real of course. Unless max, I mean god, is bipolar.
January 11th, 2006
The picture may have been removed, but Eric Bauman and company still continue to make money off of stolen work. What a huge crime. This guy needs to be taken down.
January 11th, 2006
Probably ... because max must live up to his part of the deal
January 11th, 2006
The 'lohan gif' may habe been taking down, but Eric Bauman continues to make a lot of money by ripping off other people. What a criminal. Some one needs to bring down EbaumsWorld.
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
i understand what you are saying, but we can only hope it doesnt happen too soon this would look bad for ytmnd. but bauman will get what is comming to him
January 11th, 2006
I think it's safe to say we've won a complete and utter victory. Lohan is gone, for you uninformed.
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
/applaud ^_^
January 11th, 2006
You are my hero.
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
Great job leeroy
January 11th, 2006
"I realize that most of your entire website is comprised of pathetic, pimply-faced maladjusted pre-teens whose parents don't love them, and their best Saturday night date takes AA batteries." HEY! My skin is quite clear, my parents love me very much, and my best saturday night date takes a 600 watt power suply!
January 11th, 2006
I am officially your biggest fan.
January 11th, 2006
i feel like a true solider. god bless ytmnd. that being said, this is kind of going overboard. making a ytmnd to poke fun at a website is one thing, but pinging and uhhh "visiting the company" is kind of uncalled for. i'll delete my ebaum ytmnd immediately. us "pimply-faced maladjusted" people don't take to kindly to this. i suggest legal action.
January 11th, 2006
To Neil Bauman, you are the biggest Jew of all time. Way to make an *ss of yourself Neil.
January 11th, 2006
sh*t, I terrorize
January 11th, 2006
this messege is a forwarded with skeggie's messege.... NEIL U JEW MUFFIN!
January 11th, 2006
I'm just waiting for the day this all comes to a head...when the Ebaum's try to press charges against someone they blatantly stole from, and the Fuzz comes down on them....HARD.
January 11th, 2006
I noticed that you said you're the sole proprietor of the website. To be honest, considering some of the content and situations like this, I strongly suggest you incorporate, to protect yourself from personal liability. You can easily do so by going to an attorney or visiting www.corporate.com, which will do most of the paper work in forming either a corporation or an LLC.
January 11th, 2006
Notice how he calls the users of YTMND immature zitty nerds with no lives, and yet, he still steals content from them. and also, why does Eric Bauman have to have "daddy" save his ass? could it be that eric bauman is a pathetic, pimply-faced maladjusted pussy?
January 11th, 2006
wouldnt doubt it at all
January 11th, 2006
Yay we won!
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
HAHHA. "I'm not sure of your legal background, but in my experience sending a letter degrading and demeaning the very community you steal and profit from isn't a valid way to send a legal notice, nor is using "LOL" in a sentence." OWNED OWNED OWNED OWNED
January 11th, 2006
I have to hand it to you max, you handled this very well. I think you really put neil bauman to shame with your 'these kids don't want your money, they just want the general respect anyone deserves'. Neils comment calling all of us 'pimply faces nerds who's best saturday night date involves a pair of AA batteries' insulted me, and anyone else on this site. I'm sure that most of us (myself included) have perfectly normal social lives, which is, unfortunatly, more than I can say for mr. bauman.
January 11th, 2006
Ebaum stole some of my own cartoons. Let it burn! Watch out for the other Ebaum sites: Flashring, GorillaMask, and Albino Black Sheep. - Jeremy Lokken
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
Death to all who oppose the Fallowers.
January 11th, 2006
Thats the way we role.
January 11th, 2006
max, run for president, ur totally awesome, i love you
January 11th, 2006
he removed the html site, but look what he left. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/images2/lohanfacialfucuguyz187.gif fuc u guyz. Don't give that pig the satisfaction of deleting the ebaums sites on here.
January 11th, 2006
...have my babies, max.
January 11th, 2006
The pricks who came to visit the Ebaum website really set a bad example. Along with those who call and threaten harm on ebaum. After redaing his Email though, I am tempted to call him and show him we ARE intelligent, respectable, and civil. But I don't care that much.
January 11th, 2006
Max, You are my Hero!
January 11th, 2006
Wow...and Neil is Eric's father. It's not his dumbass brother or anything, it's his freakin' dad; which makes it even more pathetic since this guy is *supposedly* an adult. "Neil Bauman, Vice President of eBaum's World and father of Eric Bauman..." -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You're_the_man_now,_dog
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
Oh, and awesome response. It showed a bit of frustration (the swear word didn't help), but overall very professional. =) I'd 5 this, but there's no rating available... =P
January 11th, 2006
Since he's so intellectual, he'd know that the academic community doesn't allow plaigarism of any kind, even from online sources. The penalties in post secondary for this are very severe and can result in expulsion (or worse, they'll eat your first born child). I guess he need not worry about intellectual things...LOL (sic), not to mention the fact that he was totally and completely owned by YTMND and Max.
January 11th, 2006
Hot sweet spankable spoon, that is awesome.
January 11th, 2006
Well Played.
January 11th, 2006
Wow. Harvard should have a seminar on how not to make an "official cease and desist letter" as disasterous as this one. Like, teach people important big-picture lessons such as the use of n00beese and jew jokes are a bad idea in an "official" letter. Way to go Max. EBaum's dad=pwnd
January 11th, 2006
Are we allowed to go back to laughing at funny looking owls and badly translated Japanese games yet?
January 11th, 2006
Is it just me, or is it a bad idea to use Internet lingo in a supposed formal document?
January 11th, 2006
Ya well guess what you bitch neil! Im not a pre-teen I'm a teen and my parents love me you f*cker!
January 11th, 2006
so true about dont use "LOL" in a business letter.. but you guys took this Too far(as in the users of YTMND).. the "Forum Raid" was an ok idea, but threatening and defacing? I know you all hate eBaums world and so do i, but enough is enough. Very good job max, well said. I really hope that this gets through to them.
January 11th, 2006
Great letter, Max. Now if only Bauman would fulfill his side of the bargain.
January 11th, 2006
This Neil Bauman reminds me of Stewie. "I AM NOT ONE TO BE TRIFLED WITH!!! LOL!!!"
January 11th, 2006
Well done Max. Very well put together and professional, even more than him..even though he's probably in his 50's.
January 11th, 2006
great letter max. its no surprise to anyone that you were the better man. long live YTMND!!1!
January 11th, 2006
media for the masses, media for them asses, media for dem asses, media for dumb asses, tru
January 11th, 2006
Max your forces are too strong for him
January 11th, 2006
Max= The Terminator
January 11th, 2006
he's gonna send his lawyer male prostitutes after us!
January 11th, 2006
Ownage to the 10th degree.
January 11th, 2006
omg how many lives do we have to waste???? ITS SPAIN ALL OVER AGAIN!!! LUIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!
January 11th, 2006
Simply awesome. I was worried about how you would respond to those emails. Nicely done.
January 11th, 2006
I'm anxious to see if there is a reply letter to this...
January 11th, 2006
Simply pwned. I wasn't one of the idiots who formed a bad of hooligans and went DDosing eBaums world becuase kids. it's the internet, not somalia. Grow the f*ck up. These dipsh*ts were ruining the site anyways and I'm glad they are getting banned. Not that I support eBaums world in any way or anything. They're content stealing con artists who need some sort of an actual threat. such as legal action. these guys don't give two sh*ts if some band of 12 year olds spam their forums.
January 11th, 2006
This is only the beginning. i can FEEL it. Ebaum is going to sic his lawyers on max... and we're gonna have to defend him. THIS WiLL lIEk TOTaLly RocK!!!!111
January 11th, 2006
I love you Max!! I'd so go ghey for a man of your type.
January 11th, 2006
Well, Max, I think the way you have handled this is incredibly effective. I appreciate you not berserking, and getting yourself FBI'd and/or shot and/or thrown in jail. Good for you. Be civil. Be careful with the swearing though... There've been lawsuits where people have gotten in trouble because of other people copying and pasting, resulting in an entirely new message. Just be careful, and the day will be YTMND's!
January 11th, 2006
Just in case you should start a "legal fundraiser" and totally PWN that ebaum SOB.
January 11th, 2006
When did it ever reach death threats? Messing with him on the phone and leaving messages on his door was a funny but childish prank, but who the f*ck sent a death threat? Are you f*cking stupid?
January 11th, 2006
This is awesome. I've always thought eBaum's world was full of crap and annoying adds. You are now "Maxamillian the Great."
January 11th, 2006
ebaums world is for f*cken f*gs
January 11th, 2006
I resent the idea that everyone who visits your site are "[...] pathetic, pimply-faced maladjusted pre-teens whose parents don't love them, and their best Saturday night date takes AA batteries" (Neil J. Bauman, line 5-6 of "Cease and Desist" Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:01:53). My friends and I, there are 10 of us, attend Yale University, and are currently working towards our respective PH.D's. We love your site, and all of the content it holds. Two of my comrades are married and have children. Keep up the good work with your responses to Mr. Neil J. Bauman, he needs to take one of suggestions and act in a professional manner, both in his letter to you, and on his website. Thanks Again.
January 11th, 2006
Cant we sue eslum for calling us pimple factories? TEH SLANDEROUS!!!111 I need the money anyway to get some razor gators.
January 11th, 2006
wow. I must say, you are awesome.
January 11th, 2006
way to go Max!!!!!!!!!!! you stuck it to Neil But really, the ebaum stuff really does have to stop
January 11th, 2006
From what ive heard in these rumors about Mr. Bauman, they deserve the humiliation, but those people who vandlize property from Eric and the website, even making death threats!? This site really HAS gone too far with this sh*t. I would have gone for YTMND's side of this issue, but now i get the feeling you guys started it in the first place. I am not saying, nor will i ever say, i stand in favor of Eric Bauman because what he did was very "f*ggish". Right now, after what this site has done to them, they "were the depressed kids in a middle school and we 'pulled their trigger' and we are getting shot at" If you hadnt noticed i made refrence to Columbine. I may look like an idiot right now, but i am dead serious about this issue. In the past, i was rooting for YTMND. Now, im just an iinnocent bystander watching every move the two sides make. :) -Elk
January 11th, 2006
i was officially crying in laughter about his legal team that is paid for by partypoker popups omfg looooawwllz
January 11th, 2006
Max:1 Bauman:0
January 11th, 2006
Nice wording. :)
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
For what it's worth, Max, you're a class act. You've given that jerk far more than he deserves. Thank you for being an upstanding, honest citizen. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be getting to work hitting Bauman where it really hurts, in a legal, ethical, and constitutionally protected method: petitioning his advertisers.
January 11th, 2006
max is now in my top 10 heros of all time. He bumped jesus down to 11.
January 11th, 2006
This is the FBI. lol I'm watching you.
January 11th, 2006
dude you f*cking own. "dearest" "lovingly" haha thatll just make them madder, which is a very good thing. I
January 11th, 2006
January 11th, 2006
I never realized this before, but Max... I love you, man. Way to fight the good fight and stay honest. This YTMND community sure can give you a lot of sh*t from time to time and you're likely getting gray hair because of this, but you'll stand up and fight for us anyway. RESPECT.
January 12th, 2006
MAX 4 President! Ya RLY.
January 12th, 2006
Savage sauce! You rock!
January 12th, 2006
He used "LOL" in a formal letter. :/
January 12th, 2006
cease and desist having a site that entertains people
January 12th, 2006
January 12th, 2006
Max, you are the man.
January 12th, 2006
I think it's funny that he sniffs the air so much. He acts like he's Donald Trump or some real business tycoon. Wow, he's employeed by his mentally retarded son! He should change his name to Delusional Jew.
January 12th, 2006
we should watermark our stuff so E BUMS dont jack us. Make a forum for it.
January 12th, 2006
It seems like Neil is more of the "bad guy" then Eric but thats just me.
January 12th, 2006
the "yiddish cup" comment wasn't anti-semitic, it was anti-max. "yiddisher kopf" means "jewish head" in yiddish. it's a compliment to say like "he's got a good yiddisher kopf on his shoulders." he's saying that max is a bad jew and a bad person.
January 12th, 2006
i should've mentioned that he's probably just never seen "yiddisher kopf" spelled out before, and thinks it's "cup." that's just my guess though. anyway, he's stupid and an *sshole for trying to get max to accomodate him just because he's jewish. "our people?" give me a break.
January 12th, 2006
As bad as eBaum is, I don't think it warrants physical confrontation. Hopefully people won't make this or other sites look bad over some stupid motherf*ckers. Just boycott his theiving ass.
January 12th, 2006
January 12th, 2006
LOL No really, this is awesome that guys a loser
January 12th, 2006
I love u max u are a beast
January 12th, 2006
i guess i pwned myself because it's "yiddishe kop"... but it's okay because i'm not jewish.
January 12th, 2006
WHAT VICE PRESIDENT WOULD USE LOL IN A SENTENCE?!?! Methinks it's just some random teenager...
January 12th, 2006
Lets hear it for free speech given through some text, an image, and a small audio file through the median of ytmnd! Wonder if Bauman can beat the the constitution. They actually have a headquarters? Where people can go and legally protest even for the sheer reason of pissing Bauman off
January 12th, 2006
Max, you rock. I so hate eBaums. I am sick of the theft without even one note as credit. You show them who the man is!
January 12th, 2006
ytmnd ftw!
January 12th, 2006
Wonder if Bauman can fight the US constitution. Because last I checked people have the right to their own opinions and are free to express themselves how they wish so long as it is not slanderous. This however, is not slander. Something which is slanderous must be a definable true or false statement. If I had gone to the news paper and had them print "Bauman killed my Dad" THAT would be slander seeing as my father is alive. However I can say Bauman is, in my opinion, an idiot. and there is no legal action that can be taken against me. What should we do, practice another right! Protest at their "headquarters", so long as it's a peaceful protest we can do so with signs, chants and whatever creative ideas we have to express our free speech further.
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