Tomorrow Untrodden


I've taken the next few weeks off from work to have another YTMND development drive. This will include much-needed maintenance, bug fixes and a few new features. In addition to this, I've been working with Big Spaceship over the last month working on a new design, which I'll be implementing as well. If I have the remaining time, I'll be fixing up the admin panels and possibly adding some new mods.

So this is your chance to complain about anything (aside from the design) that's been bugging you recently or stuff you've been dying for.

I'll keep you guys updated over the next few weeks in between eating handfuls of adderall. Please provide useful feedback and bug reports. While I'm working on the new codebase, I'm going to be moderating with an iron fist. There will be zero tolerance for spamming/trolling/etc, so unless you want all your accounts deleted and to be IP banned at our routers, please try and behave for once.

Please do not bother me about being a moderator, when the time comes I'll make a news post about it.

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December 2nd, 2010
I know. But you gotta admit, that was pretty funny.
December 2nd, 2010
Hey Uncircumcised, didn't you listen to the recordings of your voice before you posted them? You sound like a total fag.
November 19th, 2010
How do I become young again so this site returns to relevance?
November 19th, 2010
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Enlist the help of 1955 doc brown. He will be able to reconstruct the chip with 50's technology and send you back to 2005.
November 20th, 2010
That sign says "Applesauce". No, no, no, I'm kidding. It says "Applause". Ray, do me a favor. Can you flick that once? Alright now remember you're all a big part of the show so the better you are the better Larry is. Alright, there we go. This is exciting, isn't it?
November 20th, 2010
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you reminded me of something.

way back in 2000 there was an inside joke going on between me and two friends where they would yell "applesauce" when I went on stage with that sign. and they did.
November 21st, 2010
Thank you for fixing the blue stars max
November 21st, 2010
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I said that 8 days ago:
November 21st, 2010

replace the "all time ytmnd hits" section with a "ytmnds of the day" section that randomly chooses 10 sites and keeps them on the front page for a full day
November 21st, 2010
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what if there's a troll site in there? no troll sites allowed, dude.
November 21st, 2010
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I think the front page needs a "stuff you should be doing instead of wasting your life on YTMND" section
December 1st, 2010
this actually isn't a terrible idea.
December 1st, 2010
It is a good idea as long as it has a ratings threshold.
2 replies hidden 
November 22nd, 2010
Easily my favorite new feature of YTMND 2.0 is the ability to have a tiled animated gif in the background with a gif running simultaneously in the foreground. It's pretty much the greatest thing ever.
November 22nd, 2010
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New YTMND SOLIDARITY/ RETRO Feature: 56k capped download speeds!

Why? Sense of community. Everyone has the same YTMND experience. The long wait for a site to load makes the user appreciate the site more when it finally appears. And Grey Goose vodka isn’t getting any cheaper you all.

Side note: Max loves working for bitchy malcontents
November 23rd, 2010
Goodness! YTMND is DEAD? Damn, why didn't anyone tell me sooner?

cmon folks, i've only been here 3 years and i come back every day. Maybe in 7 more years i'll be bitter because someone isn't using their free time to take their project to where I want it. A Louis Vuitton background doesn't stop me from making a site to the best of my ability (and that's relative to sobriety) I don't appreciate earrape, but it happens so does spam and trolls(it's the internet!) Max asking for bug reports and feature recommendations doesn't warrant an onslaught of crap thrown. You say "fuck yo couch" and I say get outta my house....

I "fell for the trap" on 1/4/2008 and thought it was another in 2009 with 2.0 launch. I waited days with hope until that news post.

We all have a difference in opinion on what's funny, witty or relevant. I've got what....34 sites and only 2 over 1k views, less than half have 3+ stars....someone said earlier that we have lots of talent here, and i agree. But not everyone has those skills, are they(I) now a part of what's killing the site? Let's just say thanks max for trying, i'll see what it's like tomorrow.

No go make something funny.
November 23rd, 2010
LOL voting predictions were updated.
November 23rd, 2010
It looks like they are updating in real time...? And everything has 1 yellow star
November 23rd, 2010
So it's predicting what we'll vote? Is that why they're all 5* for me?
November 23rd, 2010
November 23rd, 2010
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November 23rd, 2010
Not Found

The requested URL /info/terms_of_service was not found on this server.
December 1st, 2010

- RewriteRule ^terms(\_of_use)?$ terms.html [L]
+ RewriteRule ^terms(\_of_use|_of_service)?$ terms.html [L]
December 1st, 2010
3 replies hidden 
November 25th, 2010
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I'm Trollface dammit
November 27th, 2010
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from on, i'm going to be saying eese instead of ass.
November 28th, 2010
The search function is pretty unreliable and screwy. Irrelevant sites are showing up, some sites get ignored; Pleeeeeeeeease fix it.
December 1st, 2010
Any examples?
November 28th, 2010
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i don't know if anyone has mentioned it but ytmnd needs all the usual things other sites have that make them connected

share this ytmnd on facebook / myspace / reddit / digg, etc.
something that searches for a song on amazon and gives you a link to purchase it
a way to categorize your ytmnds, similar to videos on youtube (comedy, art, pets & animals for pde10)
November 29th, 2010
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People just don't comment anymore. Xizer's latest site has 35 votes, a 4.4 rating, and 1 comment.
November 30th, 2010
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Can somebody explain to me what's with the sudden mix of red and yellow stars?
November 30th, 2010
Advice: Replace ytmnd's greatest hits with my fav list, and then i'll give you some extra sites to add from the pre-fav days.
November 30th, 2010

I hope you can make it up to me!
November 30th, 2010
I hope you didn't fork over fifty bucks.
December 1st, 2010
well I did, it was double the amount you mentioned.
December 1st, 2010
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are you cereal?
December 1st, 2010
Max, the site was just down, and now it is live again. We still cannot add notes to our favourite sites. Come on, it's probably just missing a link. Can you please fix it?
December 1st, 2010
I just checked. Somehow I never wrote the function to add notes, only delete and sort them. Added to my todo list.
December 1st, 2010
Hacked in a temporary fix for now. You can add notes, but need to refresh to see them.
December 2nd, 2010
Sites that feature both a foreground and a background gif, don't work properly in Opera.
December 3rd, 2010
The "fav" icons do not show on the comment pages.

There used to be that glittery, faggoty, gem-is-truly-outrageous, faggoty icon thingy.

I think I remembered this in a dream last night, but forgot when I woke up in the morning.

December 3rd, 2010
Also, no big deal, but... SPY loads in reverse chronological order at first, then corrects itself as more data is displayed.
December 3rd, 2010
This sucks. I miss DragonGate. It’s times like this (Thanksgiving and Christmas) that I want to be with the one I love, but she is on the other side of the world.

Although I am sad, I am more than willing to share her with the Army. I told her more than once that I be more than accepting if she makes the Army a career. I will highly recommend to her that she stay in the Army until they no longer wanted her. Then I can have her all to myself.

Well, see ya’ later!

Mood: Sad
Music: “Desert Rose” by Sting
Book: (None)
December 4th, 2010
Immediately recognizing the source of this comment makes me want to carve "YTM" into my forearm with an X-ACTO knife.
December 4th, 2010
Maybe it's time to quit.
2 replies hidden 
December 4th, 2010
Female's sites sure seem a lot less innovative in YTMND 2.0
December 4th, 2010
December 4th, 2010
Dear max,

it has been 7 months.

Please post a new contest.

Preferably something involving alcohol.

Thank you,
December 4th, 2010
Max, will we ever see a return of completely randomly generated ytmnds, that used to be at I loved those things so much :)
December 5th, 2010
Another issue to add to the list:

That refresh button in the bottom-left corner of the window only seems to work properly for sites that just use a foreground. If you have both a foreground and a background, and you press the refresh button, the sound cuts out.
December 5th, 2010
Okay, at the risk of sounding like I'm complaining, I honestly was not expecting very much, but I'm still curious about this. My latest site got a 4.57 and only 200 votes. How did that happen? 300 used to be the amount that kicked you off Up and Coming, and if you managed to get in Top Rated too you could probably get over 1,000, but that was way back when, I know. Users have left, but for some reason there's still discussion going on in the news. So I figured I'd ask you guys what you think.

Suddenly we have tons of users and now we seem to have a max of 200 browsing the front page every week. What happened here? Is this Hill Valley or is it Hell? What do you think caused all the users to leave? How do you think we can bring back a large userbase?
December 5th, 2010
There isn't one reason why people leave. Content is the main reason, but it isn't the only one. People just move on. They find a new site to hang out. They leave because no one notices their crappy sites. They leave because of trolls or they get bored trolling here. They get other priorities like work and/or families. They leave because they got frustrated with Max and his empty promises (like Afrotech and Bloomer). They leave because they got sick of waiting three years for Max to update the site and when it did get updated they found the layout ugly. I think Sitsu left because people kept harassing him. They left because of Moon Man sites. They left because of spamming. They leave for many reasons. YTMND started it's decline in late 2008/early 2009.

I work 60 hours a week, which is why I don't come here as much and don't make a lot of sites.

I don't think we can bring back a larger userbase. YTMND isn't getting the publicity like it did in 2005 and 2006. It's a limiting medium and what was a novelty five years ago is now behind the times.
December 5th, 2010
Maybe we could have better luck bringing back users if max changed the site design to that lighter one he's supposedly working on?
December 5th, 2010
The way I see it is that YTMND is being run into the ground by a destructive feedback loop of doubt, frustration, angst, incompetence, apathy, disgust, and a natural loss of interest. Users have been leaving since the beginning of ytmnd's existence, but its produced only a gradual unnoticeable decline for the first couple years because the user base was quite high when ytmnd's quality was first put into doubt, not to mention that ytmnd saw enough growth to balance out user loss. As soon as ytmnd was cut off from its major supply of new users (I'm not sure what that was), it was already in permanent decay. I kind of visualize ytmnd's community history as a parabola that has fed its own decline exponentially. One cause and effect scenario being: the more people make shitty sites, the more people leave, the more people leave, the more people stop caring, the more people stop caring, the more people make shitty sites, etc. Also, there are plenty of specific cases where users only stayed because certain users made sites, so one small event could have triggered a mass abandonment, if that user was popular. I'm guessing this happened with users like mastersitsu, but I wasn't really involved in that subset of the community back then, so I can't be sure. In addition, there was demographic change when the scene from the movie 300 became a fad. I guess a lot of users felt alienated by its popularity, and decided ytmnd was no longer the place for them, because something about ytmnd felt different after that, though I still enjoyed it. Personally the spamming and quasi-popularity of moon man sites has put me off considerably. And yet, I persist.
December 9th, 2010
I see there's still a lot of debate and the users still feel the urge to express their feelings and discuss about serious issues related to this website and the community. I think it's time for me to say something too.
Most of you blame the decline to the quality of the sites. That's true. That's true when the sites are not the reflection of what the users feel about a show, a celebrity, a cartoon. I've always said that noise sites are annoying to the point of scaring everyone. That's trolling. I know that, because this very same reason pushed me away from this site in 2006. YES! the same year I officially joined this site! I was much more happy when dickcream was online, because that was stuff worth watching. You also complain about the downvoting practice, which is unfair to say at least. That's trolling. You also complain about stupid fads (including the racist ones.) That becomes trolling when the entire platform becomes full of them and practically useless. That rings a bell, doesn't it?

I won't express my personal reasons about the decline of this website. As you can see I just made a mostly objective list of some things that are happening on this site. If you guys are really good at looking for stuff, you maybe will find a comment I made some time ago about how this site is unmoderated: you do the math. But there's something I still need to say: blaming it on a programmer seems a little convenient to me. You can complain about a centralized management of this site, but unless you don't know how much work and hours and money you have to spend in front of a computer just to make a bunch of fat asses satisfied, you shouldn't even mention who codes this website.

You also know that by voting you have a responsibility to be reasonable and make this website healthy. I wonder why almost nobody pointed it out!
5 replies hidden 
December 5th, 2010
Personally I think Moon Man was a reason a lot of older users started to leave. Like the Epic Maneuver, it is the bottom tier of creativity and humor. It's no reason it attracted a bunch of retards that eventually over-ran the place.
December 5th, 2010
You can complain as much as you want. This is the internet.
December 5th, 2010
I just read through all these comments and they're fucking hilarious. You guys are missing the point, ytmnd is as funny as ever. The only difference is, where once it was a platform for jokes, now ytmnd is the joke. See, it's super meta and junk!
December 5th, 2010
December 5th, 2010
oh i also got an idea, if I write a really big article on the history of ytmnd and how it has died and became a zombie right around the time a new site design gets rolled out, and I post it on digg, and I get ALL YOU COOL GUYS to help get it popular MAYBE WE CAN GET THE SITE POPULAR AGAIN
December 5th, 2010
digg's dead, reddit's where it's at now.

But yeah, even though I know you're joking, that would be pretty cool actually. We just need the new site design.
2 replies hidden 
December 5th, 2010

I was going to count but i'm willing to bet only around 20 ytmnders control the tides nowadays. And i'd say out of those 20, maybe 7 are legitimate posters with good taste.



I deleted my votes a few years back, might be 2 or 3 now i'm not sure, anyway I deleted all my votes because I knew my personal tastes in sites was pretty uhh how do you put it, I won't say bad because i'm not going to jump right on and insult myself here but lets just say there were some noise and troll sites that I enjoyed, and I only accumulated like 500 votes within 4 years anyway and I was just 5 gray star voting anyway so




just, just keep on making sites don't worry about anything the site will turn out just fine I promise
December 6th, 2010
Max, since you're answering questions, could you please give us an ETA on the new site design? I'd really like to see this site pick up in popularity and I think the lighter design is a big part in that.
December 7th, 2010
I can't. The design itself is finished. Porting it to HTML/CSS/JS is not even close. There are new features I have to write into the back end before the new design will even work.

I know everyone wants the new design, but my priority is fixing bugs, getting the admin panel back up fully, and finishing off the unfinished features. I want the next release of YTMND to be a lot more stable than 2.0.
December 7th, 2010
Thanks for explaining the situation so far. Godspeed.
December 7th, 2010
Uncircumcised for mod
December 12th, 2010
YTMND 2.0 is to YTMND 1.X what KDE 4 was to KDE 3.
December 9th, 2010
December 9th, 2010
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blue stars broked again
December 14th, 2010
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I'd like to see Umfuld & gr33nscr33n as mods.
December 15th, 2010
Though I'm still seeing a huge amount of finger-pointing, I like the way I'm learning some info about you users, not by what idea you have of the others, but by how you express yourselves. To me it seems pretty easy to know when your arguments are justifiable and when you're just a stream of blather, like "I hit everything that moves, I don't care if I miss it, I have to do it anyway." What I don't see, unfortunately, is someone who is available to discuss objectively how to, at least, improve the general mood. Recently, I've seen a great positive response from Senor Data, and my memory came back where creativity was valued as such. Things like Senor Data are not fads per se, but open places in which you know the subject of the work you're going to create.
Someone is still suggesting or wishing some particular users as mods. I believe that moderators don't actually have an opinion on what they're moderating, they just follow a specific set of rules, so that they can reduce any misunderstanding. For example: a mod has to remove any picture containing people with a specific eye color.
Finally, I believe YTMND is less than a social network and more of a showcase. Imagine a big empty stage, open to everyone. There are enough microphones for anybody and you can:
A) jump on stage and make the sound you want contributing to a supposed "wall of sound";
B) make a mess.
It's all about what choice you believe you're making.
December 15th, 2010
Also, I always have to play with the debug menu in order to see any reply on the last comment made (as long as it's hidden.)
Also, I have to expand the (hidden) comment "A" that is apparently the last, in order to see any reply to "A" and the other (real) last comment "B" that is not a reply to "A".

... I think I just made a bug report!
December 18th, 2010
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Since you asked I'll give you some quick thoughts on how to improve the mood: create a built in system that punishes "bad" behavior. It doesn't have to be a moderator, in fact, maybe it is best that we keep those features separate. It should definitely be democratically decided what the criteria should be though, or at the very least, it should be decided by max or someone with ytmnd's best interests in mind. A smart, automated filter, if implemented (for sites, comments, account creation) could not be swayed by personal biases and would act as a fail safe in the event that a moderator's integrity has been compromised. This means no more vigilante acts of justice that encourages an alt account arms race. Once users are reverted to the same level playing field, the motivation to troll others will deflate since a large part of it is a power fantasy fulfilled by the distinct advantages of alts. Once users realize that ytmnd is no longer going to deal with their bullshit, everyone will quickly fall in line. And those that don't will be banned. Tell me what you think, and give me ideas on how to elaborate this into something admissible.
December 16th, 2010
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I used to make sites on an old account back in 2006. I either forgot the password or my account was deleted. maybe I'm not even remembering the user name correctly, it has a bunch of numbers in it. Anyway, I can't find the account so I've marked it as gone. Plus, my old account sucked and I had no image editing skills back then. I only have them now because my partner and I joined a small, private server through my work (I don't know the proper name for it, I'm technology-stupid) where we upload and edit each others' video files. I've had some free time so I started making some Señor Data sites because I haven't seen a ytmnd fad in a long time and I just happened to have made this account a few weeks before it started.

But then a bunch of people started emailing me, some asking if I am the alt of whatever user, some accusing me of being other users, telling me they will vote 1 on any site I make. they also reference things I do not understand at all. This news post has almost 800 replies worth of fighting and name calling, especially between the all of the users I was accused of being, which is weird. To be honest, it made me feel pretty uncomfortable. It all seems pretty hostile.
December 16th, 2010
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December 17th, 2010
You know, of all of the users that have left the site, why does ptkfgsmaster2maryo have to be the one that comes back?
December 23rd, 2010
getting late
December 23rd, 2010
I love the holidaytmnds! but can we cycle through a few more of them instead of having the same 10 sites up every day? i know there have to be more sites with holidayesque keywords lying around...
December 25th, 2010
Big fucking peeeeeeeenis
December 26th, 2010
Max, do you intent to make a YTMND Mobile one day? As in view, rate and comment with your mobile?
December 31st, 2010
Hey max, since so much user activity is exposed already through Spy and user profile page, I think there should be a way for site creators to view a summary of the voting history on their sites - a page where you can see each vote and who cast it/when it was cast. I'm always curious to see how my sites are received, and it would be awesome to be able to watch how they fare over time. I imagine having a "Site History" icon right next to the "Edit Site" icon, on my profile site summary page, and it takes me to a page laid out like the "activity" page on my profile.

Thanks for creating my favorite website, max. Happy New Year.
January 2nd, 2011
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January 3rd, 2011
Now that Mik3m is gone (again) there's something about him that always bugged me. He always acted like he was better than everyone and claimed voting doesn't matter. Yet he always upvoted his own sites with his nedm-rules account. I've known about that alt for years and I'm sure others know about it. It never bothered me. One alt account doesn't do anything in the long run. It just seemed hypocritical. He really does care no matter how many times he claimed not to. I mean why post a couple of sites a day just for your own enjoyment? If they are only just for you, then make the mixes and copy them to your iPod. His images were mostly irrelevant. Perhaps nedm-rules isn't him, but I doubt it.
January 4th, 2011
hanktherapper for mod 2011! He'll do something about these alt upvoters!
January 11th, 2011
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agreed, the worst I do is sponsor my own sites
January 13th, 2011
mik3m once told me in a PM that he doesn't care about ytmnd and if he could make his site private, he would. i responded by reminding him that he organized every single one of his rap mashups into like 7 albums and uploaded them onto torrents and posted the link here. in my mind, he's always been the king shit of claiming he doesn't care when in fact he cares far more than most. he also makes user inside joke sites.
January 4th, 2011
hey man what's up
January 6th, 2011
86 Jirnx
January 12th, 2011
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What's with the sudden rush of shitty new users?
January 14th, 2011
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January 14th, 2011
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Another strange thing... the past few days, a whole bunch of users that were new in October or November, then stopped coming, are now back and posting tons of sites. All of them shitty.
January 16th, 2011
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How long has it said

copyright © 2000-2011 YTMND INC. All Rights Reserved

at the bottom of the page? Did you come back just to make that slight change? LOL, remember when you left 2000-2006 there until you launched 2.0 in 2010? That was hilarious.
January 17th, 2011
January 18th, 2011
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God DAMN the users of this site seem to be self-serving, pandering troll sucking faggots!

Also, Max you suck! You are the ultimate in failed admin. You should sell the site to some fucking Hollywood company, or media conglomerate.

Fuck, I bet WB or AOL/Yahoo could do a better job of running this site than your faggoty ass.
January 18th, 2011
I think I'm going to delete my account. I hate all of you.
January 18th, 2011
please don't, I know it's bad, but, you know, MEMORIES
January 18th, 2011
I've gotta take a shit.
January 23rd, 2011
aaaaagg LOL
January 24th, 2011
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also, ban umfuld
January 24th, 2011

I've taken the next few weeks off from work to have another YTMND development drive. This will include much-needed maintenance, bug fixes and a few new features. In addition to this, I've been working with Big Spaceship over the last month working on a new design, which I'll be implementing as well. If I have the remaining time, I'll be fixing up the admin panels and possibly adding some new mods.

So this is your chance to complain about anything (aside from the design) that's been bugging you recently or stuff you've been dying for.

I'll keep you guys updated over the next few weeks in between eating handfuls of adderall. Please provide useful feedback and bug reports. While I'm working on the new codebase, I'm going to be moderating with an iron fist. There will be zero tolerance for spamming/trolling/etc, so unless you want all your accounts deleted and to be IP banned at our routers, please try and behave for once.

Please do not bother me about being a moderator, when the time comes I'll make a news post about it.
January 25th, 2011
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one time i invited two of my friends (well, my only two friends) over for dinner at my apartment. i was in a bad mood that day and while they were in the living room playing sword quest 4, i masturbated into the milk in the
measuring cup before making the mashed potatoes. all three of us enjoyed the meal, myself doubly so... in part because i secretly knew my friends now have my seed in them, and also in part because i ate the mashed potatoes too and the thought of consuming my own seed makes me want to masturbate into more food. i fear i am in a vicious cycle at this point. someone help me? please?
January 26th, 2011
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Dear Max, I think you should of just let the World of Warcraft people take over ytmnd with their WoW sites 4 or 5 years ago.

January 26th, 2011
Dear max,

Don't change a damn thing. Its too fucking funny to watch everyone spaz over a silly internet joke site. OMG you voted 5 on that crap site? OMG you have alt accounts? OMG, you're a troll! OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm going to throw a motherfucking TANTRUM AND DOWNVOTE!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! OMG I'm going to do that with all 50 alt accounts and PM all my friends to do the same. OMG why won't this user just quit and leave? OMG!!!!!

Without that sort of drama I'd have to do something more constructive with my life, like masturbate or get a job.

January 26th, 2011
check out my impression of ytmnd:

"Mom! Billy is touching me!"
"But mom, Suzy touched me first!"
Mom ignores the childish argument
the children continue their childish argument until mom finally comes in and tells them she bought them both new bicycles (the bikes are kinda shitty though)
the kids are distracted by their new bikes for a short while, and suggest to their mom gifts she can get them that might be better next time

"Mom, billy tried to break my bike"

January 26th, 2011
Have it be known that the 40 or so comments made on here tonight stem from a site created by eightbitprodigy. It was a good site. It was well-made and it had a few harmless jokes thrown in it. It had a 4.32 rating until it was hammered by all the gr33nscr33n alts I mentioned. I don't know why he did it. It's not like he was countering anything, since eightbitprodigy, to my knowledge, has never used alts in any way. I honestly don't know how much Umfuld contributed to it, but there is a confirmed Nothingman vote within the site's comments. Here's the site where you will find blatant evidence of cheating with alts in the comments:

Going back a couple weeks, here's another comment page with massive amounts of cheating:

Umfuld is simply spewing out his hate for me, calling for a ban or a deletion. And his excuse is because I'm not voting the way he thinks I should on specific sites. He can call it trolling if he wants, but there is such a thing as freedom, so he doesn't really have a case. And he complains when I bring his name up...well, you've banned him from commenting once before, so you probably know that he does this type of thing all the time too - bringing up people he hates in conversations. Me, lacrossestar83, DarthWang, wisdumcube (2008-2009 era), etc.

Want to fix YTMND? Get rid of the alts, get a new contest started, and rejuvenate your razor with your Razor Gator.
January 26th, 2011
Ahh I've missed ytmnd arguments. I hope you guys know that your passionate debates are keeping the site alive. Keep em coming. Though my personal favorite ytmnd arguments involved fourest, this one is pretty funny too.
January 31st, 2011
This is what the death throes of a website looks like. It's unsightly.

Thank god, I possessed the restraint to not take shots at any of the 10 remaining active users, or provide condescending advice that was poorly worded and/or too abstract to understand that would prove to be embarrassing for my self-image!

...Oh wait, fuck.

Well, I'll just pretend that everything in the news except the comment that was rated +13 doesn't exist.

...Oh man, one of those comments is rated as low as uncircumcised's!?

What is it about ytmnd that brings out the crazy? Well, I guess it being a dumping ground of the worst behavior on the internet produces a sort of psychosis in certain people that causes the observer's mind to mentally wretch in pure terror at the absurdity of the world that its users have created, which produces the delusion that it might be a good idea to get involved (even ironically) and that everything you say isn't totally ridiculous given the full context of the situation.

I... need to go.
February 6th, 2011
I generally, well, beyond this site, consider psychologizing my peers rude but, since it seems to be the norm here, I'll join this game. I'm corpulent, covered in acne, asexual, and downright so repulsive that, if I'm to be the game in any argument, the hunter may as well abandon the cause for greener pastures and healthier prey. Or, at least, maybe that's what we should always imagine of our opponents on the Internet.
January 26th, 2011
January 26th, 2011
max, I keep getting an error 1370 when trying to view new ytmnd's... or really, any ytmnd now it seems. What's the dealie?
January 26th, 2011

I've taken the next few weeks off from work to have another YTMND development drive. This will include much-needed maintenance, bug fixes and a few new features. In addition to this, I've been working with Big Spaceship over the last month working on a new design, which I'll be implementing as well. If I have the remaining time, I'll be fixing up the admin panels and possibly adding some new mods.

So this is your chance to complain about anything (aside from the design) that's been bugging you recently or stuff you've been dying for.

I'll keep you guys updated over the next few weeks in between eating handfuls of adderall. Please provide useful feedback and bug reports. While I'm working on the new codebase, I'm going to be moderating with an iron fist. There will be zero tolerance for spamming/trolling/etc, so unless you want all your accounts deleted and to be IP banned at our routers, please try and behave for once.

Please do not bother me about being a moderator, when the time comes I'll make a news post about it.
January 27th, 2011
You guys are a bunch of goofs.
January 30th, 2011
January 28th, 2011
Dear Uncircumcised,

nobody gives a shit about what you have to say. You post your inane shit EVERYWHERE and half of the comments on this news post are your FUCKING IDIOTIC RAMBLINGS AND SHITTY SITE LINKS.

Just shut the fuck up already. SHUT UP! Take a look at the ratings on your shitty comments. Nobody wants to read your horseshit.


max had the right idea when he comment banned you, and it obviously should have been a permanent thing. You contribute nothing to this site. You are probably YTMND's most pathetic, worthless user. And THAT is really saying something.
January 29th, 2011
I keep getting the message below when I try to open some of the is this?
Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.2; OfficeLiveConnector.1.5; OfficeLivePatch.1.3; .NET4.0C; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; BRI/1; AskTbFWV5/
Timestamp: Sun, 30 Jan 2011 00:13:14 UTC

Message: Invalid property value.
Line: 122
Char: 165
Code: 0
January 30th, 2011



Umfuld is so clever.
January 30th, 2011
January 30th, 2011
Let's add Stop-Trolling-D to that list.
January 30th, 2011
Site loading and preview image loading have slowed down quite a bit. Does this have something to do with Amazon hosting stuff?
February 2nd, 2011
January 30th, 2011
for the record I love all the trolling and garbage that goes on anymore

Yeah its not the ytmnd you want it to be, but it is ytmnd 2011 so get used to it

Also I'm currently trying to learn how to speak al bhed, its a little tricky but ill soon master it you wait and see!
January 30th, 2011
[ comment (and 1 replies) is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]

I've taken the next few weeks off from work to have another YTMND development drive. This will include much-needed maintenance, bug fixes and a few new features. In addition to this, I've been working with Big Spaceship over the last month working on a new design, which I'll be implementing as well. If I have the remaining time, I'll be fixing up the admin panels and possibly adding some new mods.

So this is your chance to complain about anything (aside from the design) that's been bugging you recently or stuff you've been dying for.

I'll keep you guys updated over the next few weeks in between eating handfuls of adderall. Please provide useful feedback and bug reports. While I'm working on the new codebase, I'm going to be moderating with an iron fist. There will be zero tolerance for spamming/trolling/etc, so unless you want all your accounts deleted and to be IP banned at our routers, please try and behave for once.

Please do not bother me about being a moderator, when the time comes I'll make a news post about it.
February 1st, 2011
February 1st, 2011
[ comment (and 1 replies) is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
before I completely lose interest in this site, I want to say that Prariedogeric10 was so aggressively retarded that he changed the culture of YTMND and was the driving force towards changing this place into a dump.

I want this fact to be recorded so future generations will learn from this mistake and not let it happen again.

February 1st, 2011
February 2nd, 2011
February 1st, 2011
ETA 0s
February 2nd, 2011
Another little 2.0 glitch that is sort of annoying is the way that everything freezes up after you get an error message. Like if you get the "What?" or the "You can't comment 30 seconds blaa blaa" then try and do anything else, you can't do anything without reloading the entire page and starting over.

Also, the site creator will freeze up every time after you upload assets if you just hit "save" first without uploading first. So... you hit save, then it automatically uploads the assets, then it freezes up on the "saving" part and won't go to the next step.

February 2nd, 2011
[ comment is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
February 3rd, 2011
Go to top-viewed YTMND's,
Click either "This week" or "This month",
Enjoy the fact that all sites listed in either category have 16,777,215 visits!

Hooray! (fail)
February 5th, 2011
February 5th, 2011
I miss the music that would play when a site was uploading to YTMND.
February 5th, 2011
I thought I was the only one.
February 5th, 2011
I would however, be in favor of different music
February 7th, 2011
Please do not bother me about being a moderator, when the time comes I'll make a news post about it.
February 8th, 2011
First time user, on the last page (NSFW check), when I click Save I ytmnd displays an empty alert box and can't proceed. Help? Same result in Chrome and IE.
February 9th, 2011
Yeah, that's not a very user-friendly method of implementing the one-site-per-hour limit. I imagine it's a temporary fix, but who knows what that entails anymore.
February 9th, 2011
February 9th, 2011
so when are we going to get a shitload of people to do a big conference call on skype and we discuss how to improve the site

in before uncirc doesn't do it because he knows everyone will make fun of his voice, gr33nscr33n doesnt do it because pde10 is there, umfuld would never let his voice be heard in fear of someone recording it, lacrossestar spamming it with noise, rodheh eating mexican food, comradvolk playing music, me probably talking about something gay like final fantasy, max not being there, steakman insulting everyone, and special guest appearance HALO1GAMER says some few words and no one remembers who he is but me so they just kick him out of the chat

and don't tell me to go to the fucking ytmnd vent, it's the same people that were in there when it was first created talking about the same old shit, they don't even have anything to do with ytmnd they are just a group of internet addicts talking about 4chan and porn
February 9th, 2011
actually you know, as garbage as they were before, if the forums were reimplemented i would totally start posting there

i mean shit the comment chains we get now are novel length, might as well give a place for people to just make "THIS THREAD IS ABOUT HOW UMFULD SUCKS DICK" so they can complain without shitting up comment pages
February 9th, 2011
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I wonder how long it is going to take DarthWang to notice that the voting only goes up to 5?

(also, sa-tired)
February 10th, 2011
Blue stars are AWESOME!!!
February 10th, 2011
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max, please uncouple typogra's sites from PDE10's shitty domain grabs so the useless former sandwich artist can't take credit for typogra's sites...? After you hax-restored the deleted sites, they still showed up on PDE's shitty site list, making it look like the lonely faggot might have actually made something that wasn't another useless dinosaur-gif-screenshot-tts-bullshit-fuckfuckretard-piece-of-shit
February 11th, 2011
I want to get into another comment thread arguement with someone while I get drunk tonight. Please respond with some sort of flame and call me a troll. Thanks in advance.
February 14th, 2011
wow you guys are crazy lol
February 15th, 2011
Eat a whole bag of dicks, Max.
February 16th, 2011
Please just burn down YTMND for the insurance money.
February 16th, 2011
Yay all time hits back before March!
February 17th, 2011
February 17th, 2011
February 20th, 2011
This just in... max makes a new contest!
February 25th, 2011
And that's it for 2011 updates.
February 22nd, 2011
can we has new news? k thx wtf
February 23rd, 2011
Max, you should have an employer. You should work for someone.

You are one of those guys that is kinda smart, but absolutely needs someone to whip them every single day to produce anything...ever.

All your whining about leg cramps and pills is just baby talk too, get some god damn exercise! You are just making excuses for yourself.

PS, if you ever wonder why so many bitching sessions occur on this site, it is because of you. Your general neglect as regards what, for some, is a social and creative outlet, has disenfranchised many worthy contributors, and turned many others into whining, pedantic, knee biters.

Max, it is all your fault, and you suck because of that. Do something about your extremely misleading "latest" post, you lazy cunt!
February 23rd, 2011
Also, if you are wondering who I am or why I care...

I am nobody that fell sorta in love with some quality sites on here a while back, and visits every day in the hopes of seeing more. Not much more complicated than that.

That is all.
February 24th, 2011
July 11th, 2011
did i miss my time away... no?
May 19th, 2012
This is a comment.
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