Keyword "BUsh"

3,680 sites have this keyword listed in their metadata, here's one you may hate:

Carrie tries to stop Busch from winning Wheel of Polend, but Busch remembers to voat %
Busch wins Wheel of Polend, because Carrie tries to stop him but he voats % and Busch get monies!!
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site user views score
?Dubya's a Pimp! magicmahon 3,909 (3.96)
?YESYES: wtf internets?! throes 12,203 (3.96)
?(nsfw) 1st use of internet chat ever CosmosMouse 8,693 (3.96)
?George Bush Dosn't Change Facial Expressi... fletch-lives 16,711 (3.96)
?PTKFGS: Dew Wah Diddy Diddy Dum Diddy De... Cygnus 2,688 (3.96)
?Follow your dreams tkx7 4,845 (3.95)
?WWF Tag Team Champions : Bush and Blair thaEdderz 4,369 (3.95)
?(nsfw) The Poles Attack Materazzi BTape 7,119 (3.95)
?Google is for Porn lostclash 11,372 (3.95)
?YTMND FLASH - - - Brilliant! pimpbot5000 3,262 (3.95)
?Conan Epic Shoe Avoidance Lettuce 3,257 (3.95)
?Michael Moore is a Robot! Thorburninator 8,073 (3.95)
?***The war against Hurricane RITA** ( NEW PICS) jesusknievel 12,247 (3.95)
?The REAL Reason Bush Remembered Poland CaptainHairdo 12,836 (3.95)
?President Bush's Goggles Do Nothing landminehare 7,583 (3.95)
?Actual Dollar Bill Misprint! Wolfmight 18,046 (3.94)
?(nsfw) Poland in the Moonlight BTape 3,830 (3.94)
?The story of Bush's presidency. TrippedXD 3,922 (3.94)
?Medieval Bush Dodges Shoes SoulPirate 3,330 (3.94)
?Tim Ryan addresses congress (and owns em) funnyhatman 4,205 (3.94)
?Turns Out Bush Is Really a Robot DaBest13 4,504 (3.94)
?Congrats Solid Snake CosmosMouse 10,743 (3.94)
?Laura Bush IS....... radioheadrule 13,294 (3.94)
?Return to the 80s! Reagan and Bush WANG CHU... Thorburninator 9,948 (3.93)
?(nsfw) OH GOD NO!!!!!! GaryGnu 2,598 (3.93)
?LOL @ Mr. T dynomite1234 5,010 (3.93)
?Homer Doesnt Trust Bush&Cheney (Refresh) freepizza 3,357 (3.93)
?Boogie-Emperor Bush! In Danger!High Voltage roboraptor 7,898 (3.93)
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