Ikari0's recent comments:

March 27th, 2007
Unless they're cool with that. I'd never be brave enough to do something like this, but I don't see any harm in it.
March 26th, 2007
Just means she's comfortable with herself. It's just for fun.
March 26th, 2007
March 26th, 2007
(from www.postsecret.com)
March 26th, 2007
Just another view about stuff like this: http://bp1.blogger.com/_a7jkcMVp5Vg/RgWVdSdBjmI/AAAAAAAAAVg/bUENQpbR-Q0/s1600-h/online.jpg
March 26th, 2007
On on the site ?Downvoted.
5'd for actually sending it.
March 26th, 2007
On on the site ?Shinigami Rave
Ryuk FTW!!!!1
March 26th, 2007
Wow, you're really cute!