1908 Election Results!
Created on: November 5th, 2008
1908 Election Results!


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November 5th, 2008
November 7th, 2008
By George!
November 7th, 2008
Hello my name is drew pickles and I have a massive c*ck. I love to stick my c*ck everywhere and cover things in cum, mostly the insides of male *ssh*les. However if there are no hot guy asses around for me to penetrate I will settle for lesser things like hot sandwiches and bottles of wine. If there are only women around then I guess I will f*ck them but only if I get to stick my dick through their pussy and out of their *ssh*le, which I am allowed to do because I am drew pickles and no one can resist
November 5th, 2008
epic time travel electionneering. i'm sure it involved scallywags and muckraking or some such skullduggery.
November 5th, 2008
That was such an historic election.
November 5th, 2008
November 5th, 2008
November 5th, 2008
Go get stuck in bathtub.
November 5th, 2008
Who's the black private dick That's a sex machine to all the chicks? TAFT! Ya damn right!
November 5th, 2008
Who is the man that would risk his neck For his brother man? TAFT! Can you dig it?
November 5th, 2008
Who's the cat that won't cop out When there's danger all about? TAFT! Right On!
November 5th, 2008
They say this cat Taft is a bad mother SHUT YOUR MOUTH! I'm talkin' 'bout Taft. THEN WE CAN DIG IT!
November 5th, 2008
He's a complicated man But no one understands him but his woman William Taft!
November 5th, 2008
[ comment is below rating threshold and has been hidden ]
this SUCKS
November 5th, 2008
The first heavy-weight champion of the world elected President. AN historic day in history.
November 5th, 2008
...and that man would go on to do great great things; such as getting stuck in a tub.
November 5th, 2008
Hello my name is drew pickles and I have a massive c*ck. I love to stick my c*ck everywhere and cover things in cum, mostly the insides of male *ssh*les. However if there are no hot guy asses around for me to penetrate I will settle for lesser things like hot sandwiches and bottles of wine. If there are only women around then I guess I will f*ck them but only if I get to stick my dick through their pussy and out of their *ssh*le, which I am allowed to do because I am drew pickles and no one can resist
November 6th, 2008
Do a sh*tty c-c-c-combo breaker site where the joke is he's the first fat president.
November 7th, 2008
little known fact taft ate the losers of the president race to quote president taft "Boonowa tweepi, ha, ha."
November 7th, 2008
this was so random I had to 5 it.
November 7th, 2008
November 7th, 2008
Alaska isn't a state silly.
November 7th, 2008
taft taft the human raft lets all ride taft to vict-or-y
November 7th, 2008
Bryan would've won were it not for having such a gimmicky VP.
November 7th, 2008
What's wrong with you people?!?! First Benjamin Harrison, then William McKinley, then Theodore Roosevelt, and now Taft?!?! 20 years of failed Republican platforms! Taft is a charlatan! Eugene Debs represented the working American. When will you realize that you're cheering for the rich and corrupt! All Americans need to make a sacrifice in order to get this country back on track.
November 7th, 2008
For the love of God, shut the f*ck up.
November 13th, 2008
hey, I liked that comment :(
November 7th, 2008
take that 1908 Chris Berman
November 7th, 2008
free ice cream for everyone!
November 7th, 2008
Fattest president ever, a true milestone
November 13th, 2008
Ron Paul 1912