Halo 3: Can't Finish The Fight
Created on: July 18th, 2007
Halo 3: Can't Finish The Fight
You shouldn't have bought the legendary edition.


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50 https://www.bing.com
13 http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1Xko2c/www.dailymotion.com/video/x
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9 http://www.google.com
8 http://my350z.com/forum/entertainment/293813-a-relevant-ytmnd-halo-3-a.html

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July 18th, 2007
August 13th, 2007
August 13th, 2007
in before console wars
August 13th, 2007
The towel trick really does work.
August 13th, 2007
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Halo 3: Can't finish the vote.
August 13th, 2007
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towel trick?
August 13th, 2007
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Wii are all laughing at you 360 users.
This happened to a friend of mine like yesterday... +4 for relevance, 5'D for co-winky-dink
July 18th, 2007
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+4 for Johnny Cash tribute. -4 for because site sucks.
July 18th, 2007
I love this Cash remix.
July 18th, 2007
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July 18th, 2007
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-1 for sh*tty sources -3 because I hate you.
July 18th, 2007
xD good one
July 18th, 2007
XD pray this doesnt happen!
July 18th, 2007
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July 18th, 2007
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12 stars, I burst out laughing.
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Still a spoiler. > the magic.ymtnd.com <
July 18th, 2007
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July 18th, 2007
LOL! video games!
July 18th, 2007
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i'm betting this came from system wars, seeing as how it's the best forum section on all of gamespot.
July 18th, 2007
Hasn't happened to me yet...
July 18th, 2007
LOL Funny cause it happened to me. They repared everything for free but still took 2 weeks
July 18th, 2007
July 18th, 2007
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looks like the halo/360 fanboys downvoted you :(
July 18th, 2007
LOL, nice!
July 19th, 2007
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oh no too bad there is a 3 year warranty.
July 27th, 2007
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Hey guys if this ever happens to you try googleing the "Xbox 360 towel trick" if the red rings happen to you...... no really it worked for me for about a month now after my red rings started..... hopefully they wont come back for me
August 12th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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5'd cause this happened to me....twice
August 13th, 2007
LMAO i love that song its funny nice job
August 13th, 2007
Lol, you think thats bad. In Australia we have to talk to a bunch of illiterate indians. (5'd)
August 13th, 2007
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johnny cash - the man in black
August 13th, 2007
August 13th, 2007
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this is the worst ytmnd I have ever viewed
August 13th, 2007
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heh happened to me and they gave me a new 360 and a 1-month xbox live card
August 13th, 2007
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Microsoft at it's best... worst... whatever.
August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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the 360 is the best console, despite some technical issues
August 13th, 2007
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i know it sounds fanboyish but the whining about the ring of fire stuff is really old
August 13th, 2007
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Teeheehee... Can't finish the fight because teh RING OF FIYAH!
August 13th, 2007
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I wouldn't have voted on this old site that made FP if it didn;t suck.
August 13th, 2007
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1'd, and somewhere in Heaven right now, John and June Cash are slowly weeping as they gaze upon the monstrosity of this site
August 13th, 2007
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1'd for console wars fanboy f*ggotree
August 13th, 2007
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if you have a broken 360, its cause u left it on all night long like a dumbass. 1'd for no mastercheif goodness.
August 13th, 2007
Anyone see E3? Looks like Nintendo has shifted the most consoles leaving the rest in its wake.
August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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5 because you listed your sources
August 13th, 2007
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Videogame humor,lol
August 13th, 2007
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lol voice crack
August 13th, 2007
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f*cking stupid, get off top viewed
August 13th, 2007
August 13th, 2007
I've been on hold for 20+ minutes twice on the hotline. They sent me a replacement console that gives me the SAME problem as my first one did. I also saw at my local Wal-Mart that the display Xbox 360 had the ring of death lolz.
August 13th, 2007
People care about Halo3 still?
August 13th, 2007
August 13th, 2007
August 13th, 2007
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who the f*ck linked this piece of sh*t
August 13th, 2007
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PS3 fanboy. Me , along with 3 of my friends have 360s and not once has this happened.
August 13th, 2007
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"Invalid Topic" on your source, minus 4 stars.
August 13th, 2007
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holy zombie jesus....! that was grand ^.^ thank u sir
August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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you sir win
August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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3 year warranty for the win. Better than the DRE problem Sony had (and never solved) on the PS2
August 13th, 2007
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This site is made of epic win. In your face xbots!
August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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thats funny
August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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Its true :/
August 13th, 2007
As a 360 owner I chuckled. Then I went and masturbated.
August 13th, 2007
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good work, kodex.
August 13th, 2007
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epic phail. halo3>all other games
August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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I enjoyed it.
August 13th, 2007
frickin ring of fire.
August 13th, 2007
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August 13th, 2007
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August 14th, 2007
1 for homosexuality
August 14th, 2007
August 14th, 2007
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Still more fun than ps3.
August 14th, 2007
I don't know what you're all complaining about. I've had mine for 6 months and it hasn't gotten the red ring o' death. F*ckin nerds.
August 14th, 2007
August 14th, 2007
August 14th, 2007
OMG That sh*t happened to me. You just fried me. lol Brilliantly true.
August 14th, 2007
August 14th, 2007
Epic Win.
August 14th, 2007
Epic win
August 14th, 2007
every time i got the ring of death i just turned off the console and turned it back on and it was fine.... also if you are getting the ring of deth check all of your cables such as a/v caues that will also cause u to get the ring. nice movie BTW
August 20th, 2007
I just wrapped it in a towel and let it get hot, then after letting it sit for a while, I threw it out a window.
August 14th, 2007
August 21st, 2007
halo3>all you non halo lovers
September 23rd, 2007
and you vote 1 why?
February 8th, 2008
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