PTKFGS: Attack of the Bush-Wings
Created on: February 28th, 2007
PTKFGS: Attack of the Bush-Wings
(Refresh if necessary).. Punch the keys for God's sake! Version of Featuring Mr W. Bush


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February 28th, 2007
I approve.
February 28th, 2007
Very good. :)
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
I'm working on the sound quality and sync issues now my fellow YTMNDers
February 28th, 2007
Hehe this was bound to pop up again sooner or later. Fad anyone?
February 28th, 2007
I like this even more than the original. Don't think it'll be a fad though. You have the normal one, and the PTKFGS one. What more would you want?
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
well someone i know suggested for YesYes, the catonakeyboardinspace destroying everything. thats the only other thing maybe, but i wouldn't doubt anyone and there creative skills.
February 28th, 2007
How about one with Kerry? :P
February 28th, 2007
hahaha.. NorskVind, your totally right. good stuff
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
HAHA, finally a good ytmnd 2night
February 28th, 2007
Freaking awsome XD
February 28th, 2007
This would be so much better if you didn't give away the surprise in the title. Call it something else.
February 28th, 2007
doesn't make sense, he'd be louder, WHY DID POLAND BLOW UP?
February 28th, 2007
Epic question for you cooke - why not? ;-)
February 28th, 2007
Isn't the PTKFGS version of catonakeyboardinspace called dogonakeyboardinspace? Unless this is a universe collision, the dog ought to be shot up, not the cat. Other than that, I see this fad going places.
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
Caninakeyboardinspace ftw.
February 28th, 2007
No one fell for the trap?
February 28th, 2007
w00tx2 GO BUSH!
February 28th, 2007
very nice... although, -1 for no catonakeyboardinspace ptkfgs, and poland is.... just been transformed from earth to poland to boom!?
February 28th, 2007
well, the whole thing with Poland blowing up is to show, that the bush wings were shooting at Poland, and that Poland blew up(think of it as a super magnified poland , but if you feel i should put earth instead, let me know and ill do that.
February 28th, 2007
If this is PTKFGS, where's the tag?
February 28th, 2007
No ear rape! Thank you!
February 28th, 2007
He should have blown up Great Britain, Australia, and the United States and Jon Carry with a really loud noise at the end. Change it and I'll 5
February 28th, 2007
Not nearly as good as the original
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
Almost as good Comrade.
February 28th, 2007
You just fell for the trap
February 28th, 2007
Dean was so much better because his YYRRAAAARRRGHGHGHGHHHH!!! Could be translated into the engine sounds of Star Wars fighters... That was what originally got me... This just doesn't have that effect :/
February 28th, 2007
My POLANDwing goes "Innnnernnnetttssss, Innnnerrrrnnettssss"
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
Dean Fighters is better (because his scream matches the engine noise better) but this is a great PTKFGS
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
"PTKFGS" is an indication of the creativity within
February 28th, 2007
needs "you just fell for the trap" and ptkfgs logo imo
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
So you decided to detract from the original idea and add more fads? Poor decision.
February 28th, 2007
PTKFGS would be dogonakeyboardinspace.
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
How dare you even try to compete with Attack of the Dean Fighters? -3 But, Bush would fly the X-Wing, a superior craft: +2 But, Bush would not attack an ally like Poland nor would he fly saying something as stupid as internets: -2 Make him say something more ambitious/fearsome and have him nuke Iran and you get a +5
February 28th, 2007
this isn't a catonakeyboardinspace PTKFGS, its not about cat or dog.. its a dean fighters PTKFGS. Its about politicians.
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
the first was much better
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
A nice compliment to the other site. I still don't like the catonakeyboardinspace being blown up - but your sir are good- so 5..
February 28th, 2007
Not as good as original...better Bush phrase could have been used.
February 28th, 2007
needs more Poland 4'd
February 28th, 2007
i originally had poland blowing up and not earth, but people couldnt see why poland was blowing up, so..
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
Almost as good....almost....why was this downvoted?
February 28th, 2007
Also needs "You just fell for the trap" at the beginning
February 28th, 2007
"i originally had poland blowing up and not earth, but people couldnt see why poland was blowing up, so.." You need to have a better scene showing him heading for Poland, after entering the Earth's atmosphere. Check the other one, it clearly shows Dean heading for the white house...
February 28th, 2007
need to change it from cat on a keyboard to dog on keyboard []
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
My POLANDwing goes "Innnnernnnetttssss, Innnnerrrrnnettssss"
February 28th, 2007
February 28th, 2007
Freakin sweet
February 28th, 2007
I don't know why, but the cutoff ending is hilarious (in addition to the rest of the ytmnd)
February 28th, 2007
thats not a grand coalition
February 28th, 2007
Sloppy, contains poland yet is refreshingly amusing.
February 28th, 2007
We are finally free from catonakeyboardingspace!!!11 NO MORE DEAD!!! ...Poland XD
February 28th, 2007
lol, internets.
February 28th, 2007
It's ok, but the Howard Dean one is 10x funnier.
February 28th, 2007
not as great as a lol but i still ha ha'd
February 28th, 2007
-4 for cat, +1 for poland
February 28th, 2007
+5 for not forgetting poland
February 28th, 2007
lol nice dunno why this is rated so low
February 28th, 2007
good execution, wasnt unexpected like the previous one. not really that funny
February 28th, 2007
i mean.. the obvious choice would be an iraqi skyline, right?
February 28th, 2007
I like how the cat on a keyboard exists in the PTKFGS universe.
March 1st, 2007
I loled a lot
March 4th, 2007
March 4th, 2007
Cat on a keyboard in space is Earth's final protection, however, its impossible to destroy. You would have to take the C key from the the keyboard he rides on, and in order to do that, you would have to light a fire next to his tail. However, the fire must be of a white color, and besides, there is no oxygen in space. You can't burn his tail. Only when he is in Earth's atmosphere, you can burn his tail. Then you have to take all the C keys of COAKIS's keyboard. There you are: How to defeat COAKIS.
March 4th, 2007
And besides, he'll kill you in a pinch if he finds out you're trying to kill him. He'll obviously know that when he sees the white fire. Which means hes impossible to defeat, lol. The white fire doesn't kill him, it just lights his tail on fire. You gotta take the C keys before he extinguishes the fire. Which will take about... 5 seconds to do.
March 7th, 2007
I was waiting all day to see this!
March 10th, 2007
"How is this a PTKFGS. Shouldn't the white house be attacking Dean?"
March 13th, 2007
The only PTKFGS that's actually funnier than the original YTMND
March 14th, 2007
I don't know why, but the "you just fell for the trap" in this site sounds like it's being said by the AOL guy.
October 2nd, 2007
You REMEMBERED poland?