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This Guy Sounds Like a Robot
2024-03-18 00:59:02

Found this at random. Some of their rules:
Sponsored by the Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club, Call Box 599, Sterling, VA 20167.
To promote amateur radio activity in the 95 Virginia Counties and 38 Virginia Independent Cities.
Saturday, 16 March 2024, 1400 UTC - Sunday, 17 March, 0400 UTC and Sunday, 17 March, 1200 UTC - 2400 UTC.
(For Virginia, this is Saturday 10 AM - 12 Midnight and Sunday 8 AM - 8 PM Virginia local time.)
Operator Categories
Single Operator - One person performs all operating and only one transmitter may be on the air at a time.
Multi Operator / Single Transmitter - Two or more operators with one transmitter on the air at one time.
Multi Operator / Multi Transmitter - Two or more operators with two or more transmitters on the air at one time.
Station Categories
Fixed Station
Mobile – A station operating from a vehicle which is capable of operating while in motion and operates stationary in the same configuration, i.e., able to travel at any time without having to disconnect any wiring or change any antennas in order to move. A mobile station is self-contained and capable of legal motion (land, water or air) while operating. Commercial power may not be used. Contacts may be made while moving or stopped.
Expedition – A station that moves between two or more Virginia non-permanent station locations. All radio equipment, power supplies and antennas must be transported to each operating site. Commercial power may be used. Mobile radios, equipment, and antennas installed in, on or attached to a vehicle wholly for normal mobile operation are not permitted to be used in this class. The vehicle may be used as part of the setup once stopped in the temporary location. An expedition may not make contest contacts (including contest QSO coordination) while moving regardless of origin or destination.
Rover – A vehicle-mounted designed for contesting and is not a mobile or expedition station. The rover may make contacts while stationary and/or while moving. The rover may change equipment and antenna configurations. The rover may operate from a vehicle and/or off a vehicle. The rover may or may not use commercial power.
Power Categories
High (greater than 150 watts), Low (150 watts or less) and QRP (5 watts or less)
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