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Your search for "kirk" returned 682 results in 0.002 seconds.
site user score views date
?KIRK OR PICARD. YOU DECIDE! skynyrd91 (2.33) 821 2006-07-15
?Kirk Can't Leave it In the Past rickrozz (2.33) 656 2008-05-12
?He's not really Kirk StainedClass (2.33) 618 2009-11-19
?Kirk's solitude mocked by the great liberator ... flash1189 (2.33) 446 2014-09-07
?Spock vs. Kirk DaletheSnail69 (2.29) 973 2006-05-10
?ST III: I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU! skykid (2.25) 3,368 2005-07-19
?Magneto is Captain Kirk! waltonsimons (2.25) 2,651 2005-09-12
?Captain Kirk is Scared MasterAccount (2.25) 925 2006-11-19
?Kirk and Captain Spock 4ever ptkfgsmaster2maryo (2.25) 1,124 2007-02-23
?Cat on a keyboard loves Kirk Fogg's Africa... yurm0m2x (2.25) 995 2007-05-14
?Evangelist Kirk Cameron DOES Change Facial Ex... johnnycommando48 (2.25) 1,054 2007-06-05
?Star Trek: Return from Darkness GaryGnu (2.25) 487 2014-04-26
?Spock and Kirk - the love that dare not speak its na... sunnyarmstrong (2.20) 832 2005-11-26
?Cult of Stalin Foxmulder (2.20) 1,514 2006-03-25
?Kirk and the Red shirts rave hot564231 (2.20) 3,405 2006-07-26
?Spock touches Kirk oswald (2.17) 1,389 2005-07-06
?Kirk had ONE weakness! johnbobby (2.14) 5,107 2005-08-08
?Damon is Kirk? chidedneck (2.13) 1,055 2006-07-24
?GoofTroopTMND: SHATNER IS KIRK mendodog (2.13) 713 2008-06-22
?Ace Ventura is....CAPTAIN KIRK TheOneAndOnly (2.10) 3,495 2005-07-07
?Kirk in the window Lando-Lakes (2.08) 760 2006-10-22
?Captain Kirk goes sailing mattymetro (2.08) 2,702 2006-12-20
?The New 2007 Toyota Khan Land Cruiser danmanx (2.08) 2,085 2006-02-12
?Captain Kirk had ONE weakness!!! Derk (2.04) 1,247 2005-09-07
?Cap'n Kirk and Pickachu Zakanaho (2.00) 2,933 2005-07-07
?Everybody loves kirk... TheChaosPower (2.00) 694 2005-11-12
?Everybody loves kirk... TheChaosPower (2.00) 583 2005-11-12
?No blah-blah-blah!!! psicopoo (2.00) 961 2005-12-24
?Luthor = Kirk graywolf403 (2.00) 782 2006-07-19
?Kirk You Will be Missed freepizza (2.00) 1,128 2006-11-13