thecaz17's recent comments:

August 26th, 2007
You hate us why? Because you're an ignorant kid? Okay. I hate you, even though I don't know you, because you have the IQ of a bowl of lucky charms.
August 26th, 2007
Stereotypes man. I don't give a flying f*ck about the Confederate Flag, and I was born and raised in SC. Like I said above; in short, f*ck off.
August 26th, 2007
All you kids need to grow up. I live in south carolina, and she's just a f*cking retard. I bet you I can find a humiliating video of somebody from each state in the US. Just because someone is a dumbass doesn't mean that the state they live in is some sort of breeding ground for idiots. I bet I have a higher IQ than most of you children. In short, f*ck off.