sgtmuffles' recent comments:

June 23rd, 2007
It really doesn't sound like either 'Lobster' or 'Mobster'...
March 14th, 2007
Funny, but what the hell is with all this Dean stuff so long after the election???
March 14th, 2007
I actually think that's a Goldblum Lab.
March 8th, 2007
As a matter of fact, yes.
March 2nd, 2007
You mean Japan isn't really like that?
February 27th, 2007
Funny, but the dean screan was LAST election. Pretty random.
February 5th, 2007
On on the site ?Simba gets help
It's like some forgotten mythical beast, the lion with the head of Christopher Walken.
January 26th, 2007
On on the site ?Read my bible fanfic
4'd. Would've used a different cover and definitely would've used a different song, maybe something from the Mormon Tabernacle choir. Otherwise hilarious. Also, nutnics had some minor mistakes in the doctrine that aren't worth going into since it's all hooey. (ex-mormon here, btw)
January 23rd, 2007
And they laughed when I told them I was an alchemist...
January 20th, 2007
On on the site ?Secret Lovers
Long live NEDM.
December 17th, 2006
On on the site ?Do A Head Spin
Weird how he swings with his left fist, but hits him with his right.
December 11th, 2006
I like how google ads gives four sex offender registry sites.