nazgulnarsil's recent comments:

November 13th, 2006
set the viewing mode for logarithmic and it will appear as normal and not as a squashed face.
October 28th, 2006
now i have to re-repress the memories.
September 18th, 2006
you missed half the cast of DS9 being on Gargoyles.
August 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Dating for Engineers
XD i'm in one of the awkwardness oblongs right now.
August 21st, 2006
I blame public school. the W axis is time. The green line is the cube blinking in and out (hence a dotted line). Jesus christ.
August 9th, 2006
I'll listen to creationists the day one of them gets a degree in biology.
August 2nd, 2006
On on the site ?We’re artists now.
also cocks
July 20th, 2006
that's not a velocipede >_>
July 3rd, 2006
that's not the moonwalk, it's for the anti-gravity done in smooth criminal where they lean over at 45 degrees
July 3rd, 2006
no, michael is a master of the moonwalk. the toe of the off foot (the one being raised)pushes him backwards while the other foot makes a wlaking motion. a proper moonwalk is ****ing trippy.
June 24th, 2006
lol, adult industry. "we don't get any recognition we don't get any respect" *shlurp shlurp shlurp*
June 20th, 2006
June 20th, 2006
On on the site ?CITS
June 20th, 2006
coup de grace
June 20th, 2006
On on the site ?Cosby Vocoder 2
this is the best thing i have ever seen in my motherf*cking life.
June 19th, 2006
June 19th, 2006
the sound is a f*cking rocketman cover by me first and the gimme gimme's you putz
June 19th, 2006
June 17th, 2006
"it's impossible not to five this"
May 26th, 2006
WOOO! vigilante answers!
May 23rd, 2006
I own the game frequency, it's definitely NOT on the soundtrack to it. Perhaps Amplitude? Amplitude has more rock, Freq is all techno and house
May 21st, 2006
On on the site ?
ack, whats the name of this song?
May 17th, 2006
against the cock forrest?! XD
add more shots and make it a gif. i'm sure you can find good ones for Alyx and G-Man.
April 17th, 2006
On on the site ?Jurassic park?
mashups = 5
April 11th, 2006
holy sh*t that was random, a metropolis clip was the last thing i'd have ever expected from a ytmnnd
April 5th, 2006
On on the site ?Happy 123456 Day!
what about 234567 day? etc.
April 1st, 2006
I'd hit it for as long as Sticky hit it + ten minutes