mzyblg's recent comments:

September 16th, 2006
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Quiet disdain! Are you f*cking kidding me?! LMAO. You quiet possibly read the Wikipedia bio of the prophet. If you actually read his bio, you would know that the Quraysh had oppressed newly converted Muslims while the native Jews conspired with the pagans. Give me a freaking break, you're so f*cking thick headed.
September 15th, 2006
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that the middle east was never an exception? that the us dollar diplomafied the hell out of them. that britain instilled israel, which caused an exodus of thousands of palestinians without even thinking of creating a unified state, which would have been alot wiser? that you seriously need to READ HISTORY. YOUR COUNTRY'S HISTORY. damn... And don't ever say a moderate muslim is "just as bad as a radical"... thats just an insane comment. from obvously a zealous idiot. damn the bias. fancy your fox news lately?
September 15th, 2006
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Ugh, you moron. When I was talking about those who were bombed, I was talking specifically about those in Muslim countries. DUH! I never said those were the ones in America. Man, get some comprehension classes. I have read teh life of Mohammed, and he is unlike what you take it as. Considering that you most likely had a negative view on the religion, OBVOIUSLY youre going to read his bio and go like "evil evil evil!" but, could he help it when the Jews and the pagans oppressed his people and threatened annhilation? stfu. THIS HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE US> YOU MORON> do you not know the history of your country and her allies? how the western powers divided the world into a pie and took it for themselves in their imperialistic quests?
September 15th, 2006
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1) I could care less about countries, since you specifically said Muslims are not parto f Western society. You reputed my comment about the totem pole with this insane statement. 2)I know you didnt say anything about dictators. But, if you actually knew what you were arguing about... you'd see that I used those examples on how the US set the stage with the f*cked up Middle East. It's because the US has to have it ITS way. Don't blame Islam, either. 3) Again, the reference to christianity was just an exaample. It is not the religion you should be f*cking hating on, it should be the people who are setting wrong examples. It's like saying "China is out of control because of a group of Chinese radicals blew up a building full of men women & childrenlol!
September 15th, 2006
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ytmnd users... so typical
September 15th, 2006
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2) Ok, kid. Open up a history book... please. What did you take elementary history and then stop after that? I hope intermediate history was part of the your state's curriculum requirements. Now, I want you to open up a history book. And read up imperialism, the spread of the word of Christianity. See modern colonization. See how America instilled insane dictators that loved America, but also loved killing innocents in favor of quelling a communist state. Now, let's look at the MIddle East. Actualy, I'll let you read the US of A's history before I continue. And I want you to give me it in bullet notation form.
September 15th, 2006
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Hmm, I'm the idiot? Let's see 1) Muslims not part of Western Society. Wow, I wonder what those goofy looking people named Akhbar and Khalil, who drive your taxi and do open heart surgery are? CAN'T BE MUSLIM CAN THEY?! OH NO they cant! Because, since they aren't part of western society, they can't exist in western society. Oh wait, is that little light bulb coming up over your head? Lol,idiot. There are muslims who move to the West-- SUPRISE!!! NEWS FLASH!! IDIOT!! They are taking in western values and abiding by western law but at the same time retaining their own identities, the very culture and language and what not they brought with them in that over crowded plane or boat. I hope what you just said made you feellike a complete idiot.
September 15th, 2006
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yeah, but your people arent getting bombed now are they? theyre not on teh bottom of the totem pole of the great western society are they? are they? can you tell me that? that your people are being raped and beaten? that your people are just statistics in the casualities of war, a war that is aimed for more western supremacy in its imperialistic quest for dominance in the middle east? hmmm, i wouldn't think so.
September 15th, 2006
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ugh, you don't understand what im saying. let me make this clear for you. YOU EXPECT A MUSLIM TO TAKE A BITING REMARK FROM THE GOOD OL POPE LIGHTLY AFTER THAT MUSLIM('S FAMILY FRIEND COUNTRY ETC you get the jist) HAS BEEN BOMBED OR RAPED etc etc? These people are pissed off as they are with western propaganda of islam. the pope's comment is just icing on the cake. so to speak...
September 15th, 2006
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btw, i never claimed you were a christian, but i guess i implied that. anyways, how can you say CHRISTIANITY is more mature? you fool, it is not the religion. ITS THE PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW THAT RELIGION. and by God, the people who follow Islam in most of the middle east are extremely oppressed. and that oppresion, my friend, is because of western dicking.
September 15th, 2006
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wow, this kid wants the moderate muslims to speak up. well, dumbass, if good ole yankee doodly america wasn't filling the middle east with gun powder, than i believe that moderate muslims would have a chance. but, no, hate begets hate! and the radicals are obviously taking over because of the wisom of the west.
September 15th, 2006
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ive read the quran countless numbers of times. now, it's you who obviously hasn't, or, i believe you just take certain quotes out of the koran (or, as it might be more suitable for your personality, off a right winged evangelic site that's ready to bite off the penis of any muslim).
September 15th, 2006
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quietdisdain, if you were in charge, this country would be even more f*cked. you'd be a helpful hand to the world economy. even with bush's wasteful expenditure on this pointless war, you'd fail to meet his "accomplishments". considering that you seem to be some sort of self righteous idiot who sucks the genitalia of Fox news, it would be quite hard for any tolerant person, which you would so love to become, to convince you that your head is stuck up your ass. Now, don't let me school you on the history of Islamic nations where the BARBARIC societies of christianity during when Islam was dominant, f*cked their non christian and non elite citizens up their asses. k thx, dumbass. go watch your vhs o reily factor reruns
September 15th, 2006
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oh yeah and quietdisdain, thanks for pulling sh*t out of your ass. k thanks. (nice backing up by facts to make this more succinct for you mr bookworm...)
September 15th, 2006
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Hm... let's see. The US and its allies are totally bomb f*cking the sh*t out of innocent muslims (recent Lebanon conflict, Iraq War, Afghan war, etc), where most of the conflicts were basically pointless, quite possible just for oil. But anyways, why the f*ck do you think these guys are pissed? Theyre getting bombed, exploited by the west, and top of all that the POPE opens his mouth, where in as a result, he quotes a bigoted idiot. Oh and by the way, f*ck you dumbass.