mozzarellabuddha's recent comments:

The first thing I thought of when I saw this was Rodney Dangerfield fondling his own daughter's *ss on Natural Born Killers.
Shows why I never got a membership at this place. I really don't find what the people on this site find funny. The things I find funny are usually the lowest rated, and the things that I think are the stupidest sh*t are higher rated. This is higher rat
On on the site ?Blue Skies
I like this one a lot. It's not funny, but I did smile, because it is something else, you know? While looking at the beautiful, blue sky and listening to the upbeat music, you managed to make it feel kind of creepy, too. I actually thought of Terry Gil
It's too bad that this has a low rating, because it is actually very good. I often, actually, think about this and giggle. It's so true. -- Flint
The song you have is by Tom Jones, though. Anyway, David, it made me smile that, out of all the people you could have chosen, you chose Wayne Newton as a faux-sexret of life. -- Flint