landimal's recent comments:

June 27th, 2006
On on the site ?LANDIMAL PWNED!
Ha I three you! Fine you finally found a game in this universe that you can beat me at. Enjoy your short lived victory!
June 20th, 2006
totally blindsided me, thumbs up
June 7th, 2006
Fair use is under attack. In plain English it means that if you did not record the audio then you cannot use it for free usage (which is currently protected under fair use). Good coverage of this and I hope the YTMND-ers old enough to vote pay attention.
April 18th, 2006
Man I knew it was coming and still laughed out loud in the office.
April 10th, 2006
Sweet got to get out the gtar tonight and try that out.
April 10th, 2006
Morgan! oh if only it were in her terrible German accent