cryora's recent comments:

December 3rd, 2010
What if it's cause we live in a virtual world, and the world is like a mmorpg with "optimization" technology. The particles that you do not observe are considered unimportant, and so their path is randomized in order to save the CPU some work, while the particles that you do observe are important and so their location is specific.
June 8th, 2009
On on the site ?Super Bush
this is a cool song too bad it's not a real speech otherwise i'd like bush
June 8th, 2009
Lovin this song
December 18th, 2007
what school was this and in which state that would keep such a sh*t teacher? the bastard must have been an arrogant jackass to have done something like that? anyway the total number of votes as i post is 1337
July 27th, 2007
then that means pwn is a corruption of own and nub is a corruption of noob which is a corruption of newb which is a corruption of newbie which is a corruption of new baby