chuck‑chillout's recent comments:

February 5th, 2008
Your heart will explode.
June 27th, 2007
I'm voting 4, but strictly out of irony.
June 18th, 2007
On on the site ?!!!!!!!!!!!!
That music rules. If they ever made a really trippy version of Sonic The Hedgehog I'd want this on the soundtrack.
On on the site ?
April 19th, 2007
Did I catch a Toejam and Earl sound in there?
April 13th, 2007
banana of patience ftw
April 8th, 2007
On on the site ?
What about passages from the new testament? ...God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. Romans 1:26-27
March 26th, 2007
Stella stella stella!
Nice image!
December 12th, 2006
Hey...I know who that is...
September 10th, 2006
On on the site ?YTMND Ringtones
Any chance of getting "Running in the 90s"?
August 25th, 2006
On on the site ?Tweety is doomed.
Best NEDM in sooo long!
August 11th, 2006
Good pick for the song!
July 26th, 2006
On on the site ?NEDM - NEDMARCH
June 28th, 2006
Good impression. Ignore everyone else.
On on the site ?[ytmnd]
Hah - also I can't wait to see the amount of people who miss the "anime is teh suck" reference and yell "Bt I
On on the site ?[ytmnd]
So swarthy.
Hah, eBaums is peeking.
Genius + Classic = Clenius.
that's my cat
On on the site ?
I was so hoping that that would be the ending.
On on the site ?Quit Circling Crap
1. I know circles help you find the "funny part" of the article, but I don't think that humor is YTMND. 2. The music is "stupid humor" music, and you're not supposed to like it. 3. I made this mostly to get across a point - and maybe link to it when people created these things. 4. Profit! 5. The fonts are the same that was used on the onion article. Don't complain about "sans serif" and times when it's what they actually used.
On on the site ?r0bf
On on the site ?Yoda lol'd
Well played.
Case in point.