alex91's votes:

alex91 has made 18 total votes, with an average rating of 4.56.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?(nsfw) Fuck everything (5.00) (2.56) 
?Boxing has one weakness (5.00) (3.50) 
?(nsfw) Chuck Norris goes killing! **Upgraded Qualit... (5.00) (4.18) 
?Ichigo and Phoenix Wright, Connection? **Updated*... (5.00) (4.04) 
?OMG, Secret Nazi Wario and Waluigi! (5.00) (3.85) 
?Bill Gates Has... (5.00) (3.29) 
?Dr. Robotnic Bounces on the End (5.00) (3.79) 
?Megaman Spins *Music Update* (5.00) (3.89) 
?Rikku has a lot on her mind (5.00) (3.46) 
?Kirby's Slightly Annoyed (5.00) (4.08) 
?Not even George Bush likes e-baums world... (5.00) (3.79) 
?(nsfw) Darth Vader is a Gangster (5.00) (3.45) 
?Emo Christmas Present (5.00) (3.25) 
?Link finds Doug! (5.00) (3.73) 
?Greatest Threat (1.00) (1.75) 
?Best. TV Show .Ever (1.00) (1.39) 
?LOGAN = TEH HOT (5.00) (2.78)