Thrakks' recent comments:

January 13th, 2007
Sonic? wtf are you on about man. Sure its a skull in all-stars, that game was made later on with mario's colour's having been changed slightly. Goto '' and look at exhibit D. The poor pixels the NES provides makes the skull look like peace symbol, its even green. Wank.
December 10th, 2006
If youd play'd the old Mario game, you'd see King Koopa's flag of the mushroom kingdom is the peace symbol. Mario's militant dictator ship cant have that now can he
December 10th, 2006
Hey "thePlease" what about my other artworks on deviantart huh? ones that actually are art, require skill and sacrifice. Look before you speak prick, go insult some little children and jerk off to that big man. This was meant as comedic look at the somewhat similar look the original Mario shared with Stalin.
December 10th, 2006
haha yeah... in the original photograph there was a horse. And to reinforce the oppressive communist regime, I made Yoshi look more fearsome by making him a raptor.
December 10th, 2006
yeah im trying to edit the image part but it doesnt seem to be working PCF...
December 10th, 2006
This idea came to me from reading this website