Snip3r's recent comments:

March 21st, 2007
You Win, Good Day Sir. And yes, ¨Prepare to fight¨ is indeed from Quake III Arena.
October 7th, 2006
Bleh, It just proves more than ever that God does exist...why else would we be the only planet with life? G0D FTW!
August 18th, 2006
why would i use the original was a cover in doom...(which i liked better) plus metallica would probably try to sue if i did...jerks
August 17th, 2006
+5 for doom +5 for rammstein -5 for 5 star limit!
August 11th, 2006
+2 for Kill Bill, +3 for Queen, -1 for British people...
August 5th, 2006
Metal Gear FTW!!
August 5th, 2006
once they make the swastika you should trace it in paint or something and have the hitler and the blumchen song!
July 9th, 2006
I think i saw somewhere that it was actually no remorse (by the guy who did it for doom), all the same to me though...never really cared for metallica my self...
July 6th, 2006
On on the site ?A Helping Hand
It's ok...I had another guy!
July 6th, 2006
NICE! Can you pass me the tab?
March 20th, 2006
On on the site ?You're banned idiot!
Eh, sorry for the multiple accounts...I had lost my other account so I created a new one...Thanks for not banning me!
March 19th, 2006
On on the site ?(nsfw) goatsecx
This makes me sad...
March 19th, 2006
ADD MORE! And change the music to the russian version of the TATU song...and I'll 5 you...
March 18th, 2006
March 7th, 2006
Making good! +5!
February 12th, 2006
add the flashing hitler and i'll give you a 5!
February 10th, 2006
It's not "ripping off" per se...ID honored a lot of bands by putting covers of their songs in DOOM...just their way of saying "I love you" haha
February 8th, 2006
I couldn't wait for doom...had to make my own!
January 27th, 2006
On on the site ?I Saw a Squirrel
Invader Zim ROXX!