SirVentolin's recent comments:

August 3rd, 2006
On on the site ?What is pinch?
I've never felt this way about anything before.....It's I..........LOVE.....TO PINCH!
May 24th, 2006
On on the site ?Cosby Bebop
I knew I had the internet for a reason, Thanks.
May 24th, 2006
On on the site ?4D block
"Nice, but it's not 4D. 4D means there are four points from every vertex. There are only 3 points from every vertex in yours." uh oh, did someone fail intro to math? 4D means 4 dimensional. being that the first three dimensions combined make volumetric shapes, the next place to go is time. I...really shouldn't have expected anything more. Props for the tune, other than that, meh.
April 21st, 2006
god damn......add me...because anything is zombo com...
March 27th, 2006
On on the site ?CROTCH ROCKET!
Old School Aphex Twin for the win...
March 16th, 2006
March 16th, 2006
It was only a matter of time.....
March 16th, 2006
That little guy never had a chance......5 stars
March 15th, 2006
On on the site ?What is PTKFGS?
"typewriter for the win" Agreed. You took the ptkfgs fad and made it amazing.....great stuff (until today I never found any of the ptkfgs sites funny)
March 15th, 2006
On on the site ?Mario teaches PTKFGS!
*salutes* Rock the f*ck on. I might just sponsor the site through this one...
March 15th, 2006
On on the site ?the scourge of ytmnd's pretty clear that pappy owns the downvoter user name(next time you wanna cover something up, why don't you try fully removing things that trace directly back to you first).....if arbitrary downvoters were really a problem, you wouldn't need to fak
March 14th, 2006
On on the site ?I'm drunmk agaiun
So....dickless...any word yet as to why you insist on being a retard when i have proof of my claim and you don't? I think I might just end up making a special ytmnd JUST for you....
March 12th, 2006 baby is growing up so fast.....