Sarun's recent comments:

October 13th, 2006
Fav'd I'll start spreading this around. Epic Xenu Maneuver FTW!
October 7th, 2006
Totally awesome.
October 6th, 2006
Mmkay, so everyone whose hostile to organized religion is an Atheist now. Not to mention how about how many people the Catholics caused pain and suffering when they caused wars over money or to kick the Jews out? This line may sound familiar to you - "Your sins will be forgiven...if you provide the church with money"
October 4th, 2006
Yeah, I read this in Michael Crictons TimeLine, I had this sixth sense that this is what I was going to see when I clicked it xD kind of eerie. I remember trying to explain this to my friends before and they didn't get it at all.