Raltaran's recent comments:

September 16th, 2007
nobody has their neck atached to their chin and a floating leg, not even lex luthor
September 4th, 2007
bloodsugar! 5-1 for the image
January 18th, 2007
when expecting boobytraps, send the boob in first- megatron, beast wars
December 3rd, 2006
wrong! lol
December 2nd, 2006
lol, if you can understand it its funny :P (im dutch) 06-junkafstraffer :P
December 2nd, 2006
On on the site ?lol, a dutch word!
its true, im dutch myself, and it was realy weird seeing everyone online say lol.. my sister still doesnt understand it, she types: lollig(funny)
December 1st, 2006
On on the site ?Fat kid translation
niet zanger bob! o.O doomed
November 13th, 2006
tnx friendlyneighborhoodupvoter ^^ but im not gona search for hitler's speaches.. thats just to freaky.. but if youll send a link ill change it
November 11th, 2006
were is luke skywalker?
October 23rd, 2006
music is from 'color me ytmnd'. right to what is love is shoe on head. and i made n*gg*, but it was weird, and now there is no more room, but ill try to make a new one
October 22nd, 2006
bottom right is bell peppers('i love bell peppers') tnx for all the upvotes
October 22nd, 2006
no he isnt, his pj's are just realy bright ^^ but brian peppers is looking at him so.. who knows