MageEXE's recent comments:

October 28th, 2006
Surprise ending FTW
October 28th, 2006
On on the site ?Its Over 9000!!!
Try making your own content for once. Also, you didn't even include the best part: Slow motion voices.
October 28th, 2006
You're doing it wrong.
August 29th, 2006
On on the site ?SHOOP DA WHOOP
How do i shoop woop?
August 27th, 2006
After actually searching the trippy colors for a swastika for a few minutes, I thought "yeah i bet its one of those trippy magic-eye things". I gotta learn how you people make these.
August 24th, 2006
o noes, your compter is teh zombeh!
August 18th, 2006
10PM screening FTW indeed. Nobody expects the nipple snake!
August 17th, 2006
On on the site ?Office Tetris
God, whoever did this messed up BIG. EVERYBODY knows the pieces in Tetris are composed of FOUR blocks. WTF was with that L piece? It had 6 D:
August 14th, 2006
5'd and NWS'd. If that study is true, I'm gonna live forevar!
August 13th, 2006
I lolled. Also, just so you know, that song is called One Winged Angel, by Nobuo Uematsu.
August 11th, 2006
"I see trees of green, red roses too. I don't know the words, so im gonna make them up." XD
August 10th, 2006
Huh. Never noticed that guy before XD IMO, would have been funnier with two Zangiefs.
August 9th, 2006
O_o Creeeeeepy. The way you compiled it makes it seem like an old-timey suspense movie.
July 27th, 2006
On on the site ?My Trip to YTMNDland
Very nice, I can't even begin to imagine how long this took :x
July 11th, 2006
>_> If they actually had that bundle, I'd finally get myself a PSP.
July 6th, 2006
:/ you really should have moved the black border up to seperate the magic-art things. 5'd for coolness tho. *I* could see the sailboat. IN YOUR FACE, HE-MAN!
June 28th, 2006
Does anybody else catch the irony in this?
June 28th, 2006
I lawl'd
June 28th, 2006
Awesome YTMND! I used to love the song "Rappers Delight", and I think this is hillarious!