Jass' recent comments:

December 2nd, 2006
On on the site ?Bob Dole!
August 6th, 2006
5 stars that last frame had be burst out in laughter... is he dead lol.
August 5th, 2006
On on the site ?Frog's Song
I'd love to 5 this for sound/image quality, but no sources.
July 4th, 2006
On on the site ?lol, easter
uuuuhhhhh, owned?
June 30th, 2006
This is either a joke or viral marketing. You don't make a super top secret website with crazy codes and random numbers and be serious about it, and then talk about it on blogs or forums. Either the people posting on the forums are fake, or the site is.
June 30th, 2006
"On the countdown all that came up for me was: NaNd:NaNh:NaNm:NaNs weeeird" NaN in computer mathmatics talk for "Not a Number" followed by days/hours/mins/seconds. The site can't read your clock proporly.
June 30th, 2006
On on the site ?=(
why, am i laughing... i'm a horrible person
June 28th, 2006
On on the site ?Days of the Week
June 17th, 2006
5'd for making that boss SO much easier
June 15th, 2006
On on the site ?TIME TO DO BATTLE!
>.>......O.o.....:S.... just.. wow...
June 15th, 2006
On on the site ?goin down
5'd for mr. bean!
June 14th, 2006
On on the site ?YTMND hearing test
June 14th, 2006
"2006-06-13 23:13:46 zyle Q) What is the diffence between a "cult" like Scientology and a "religion" like christianity or Islam? Ans) A few hundred years." You sir, are an ignorant moron. From the time i was in grade school until grade 11 i was a devout christian, at this point i left the church for personal reasons. This is a religion because not only did my church support me in spite of my actions i continue to get along well with its congregation. This is not true for a cult.
June 13th, 2006
YES, I LOVE YOU... i mean... funny
June 11th, 2006
June 11th, 2006
On on the site ?Dr. Seuss Is A Genius
June 10th, 2006
i'm not going to 1 b/c u raise a point, but there is no lost 23 million dollars. We never had it.
June 10th, 2006
This is the defenition of brainwashing, you've presented specifically facts that support you and data/statisting that provide no explination nor source. You provide no links to any debate on the issue, nor counterarguments. This is bs.
June 10th, 2006
On on the site ?Mom, We're Thirsty!
been looking for this for... oh i don't know... forever?
June 10th, 2006
On on the site ?Japan's Best Day Ever
didn't see that coming....