InvaderDIM's recent comments:

February 2nd, 2006
...Shouldn't it be 11 in Ohio?
February 2nd, 2006
Again, thanks for the response Allen. I have one last question. From what I've learned, Brian is in a nursing-home type place. Don't they do his laundry (among other things) when you are not there? I'm sorry if this sounds hostile, it isn't meant to b
February 2nd, 2006
I'm sorry if this was answered, but where do you sleep when you visit Brian? Good night to both of you, and most everyone here.
February 2nd, 2006
Yeah. It could be ER. I just checked the TV guide and it's on. I just got done watching CSI, myself. =D Thanks for the response, Allen.
February 2nd, 2006
Allen, I've posted before and appreciate what you are doing. I am 99% on your and Brian's side, even if you aren't his brother (I hope that you are). I have a question though. What program is Brian watching?
February 2nd, 2006
(cont'd)I really hope this all gets cleared up and Brian can go in peace when his time comes. I give my best wishes.
February 2nd, 2006
Allen, you are doing a great thing by writing this letter. Even if you are or aren't his brother, taking a stand to stop this fad is brave. Reading these comments, many have changed and joined the Brian J. Peppers side. I really hope that this all gets