G‑manMET's recent comments:

October 20th, 2005
On on the site ?Robot Loving
Hilarious. I love all your YTMND's. :)
October 15th, 2005
That was just on
October 12th, 2005
Fixxed it :)
October 12th, 2005
Ugh, sorry guys. I messed up. I'll delete it as soon as it comes up on my site list
October 2nd, 2005
Har har! They're fleshlights. http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/store.cfm?cat=44
June 25th, 2005
Blah, I just f*cked up. Is that good enough for you?
June 25th, 2005
Actually, I purposely spelt it wrong. You get more of a, how you say, better sound.
June 23rd, 2005
That had me laughing, very well put together.