Fortenshire's recent comments:

January 20th, 2007
Love it! Where did you get that music?
September 28th, 2006
I agree with ytmnd1337. Users like Whetstone would be instantly victimized and their sites pushed so far down the hole they'd never see the light of day. That's effectively majoritarian censorship--so unless there were a categorization system in place to counteract that (still giving the site some visibility), then I don't think this idea flies. If there were some way to guarantee visibility even when downated, that might work. But that kinda defeats the purpose of altering the current system anyway.
September 28th, 2006
Lave, on second thought I do think it'd be a lot better without the mild thrashing you gave Whetstone. If you're serious about being inclusive of other people's views, that stuff should probably go. Being critical is one thing, being abusive..that's something else. And to clarify the comment I left before, I was not implying Whetstone himself was belittling anybody--but a lot of people on both sides of this argument sure are.
September 28th, 2006
On on the site ?Cries of the Infidels
Also Whetstone, apologies for saying that it was you who was belittling other people's views in the Pale Blue Dots comments section. To clarify, I think many people construe this as belittling their views-and also a good deal of commenters on both sides of the argument are doing just that to each other. I admire what you're trying to do for Christ-but like I said, I just think there are better ways to go about it.
September 28th, 2006
On on the site ?Cries of the Infidels
I'm a Catholic and while I do believe in demons, possession, Satan, and Hell, I think you're approaching other people in a manner that completely turns them off to what you're trying to say. I'd recommend CS Lewis' "Mere Christianity" to see how an atheist became a believer. Using scare tactics to get people to convert doesn't elicit a true conversion--ideally you want people to belive something in their hearts, not do something out of fear. This has a good message, but its delivery is counterproductive.
September 28th, 2006
Personally I think any Christian who condemns somebody else to hell is completely out of line. As a Christian myself (Catholic and proud of it!), I take very seriously what Christ meant when he said "Judge not, lest you be judged" (or something to that effect). Belittling someone else's views is no way to get your point across to them, which is where I think Whetstone toes the line. 5'd because the quote can be meaningful to anybody, and because you avoid (overly) bashing someone you disagree with, Lave.
September 28th, 2006
Love it
September 28th, 2006
I wouldn't want to keep paying $2 to get my YTMND sponsored, only to have it downated 30 seconds later. Maybe it'd be better if there was a "Contested" section or something where donation wars were being waged? That way the YTMND still gets views, but it could be ranked higher or lower depending on the competition from donators and downators. Just an idea.
September 28th, 2006
If people would actually stop flaming each other in this thread, we might be having a good discussion... I like the idea, but since people sponsor sites in order to get views, I agree that sponsorships would probably decline if other people were paying not to see them. Especially if the YTMND has a small donater base (e.g. Infidels?), people will get frustrated and cease donating altogether--giving YTMND less money.
September 27th, 2006
On on the site ?ghetto car speakers
5'd because people with their bass too loud cannot appreciate music.
September 27th, 2006
Jaws + claymation FTW!!
September 27th, 2006
September 27th, 2006
On on the site ?
Hilarious not only because it's a good YTMND, but also because I actually own a razor gator
September 27th, 2006
made me laugh...n1 pairing it with the old-school batman
September 27th, 2006
Benny Hill does make this funnier...
September 27th, 2006
Yeah the music's repetetive and I've seen some of it before..good effort though..i still laughed
September 20th, 2006
5'd to counter downvoters and because this is pretty cool
September 6th, 2006
simply hilarious
September 6th, 2006
5'd for the song and the great Bush clip