Doctoroktorok's recent comments:

July 27th, 2015
it's a famitracker cover i made of the beat to 'rap snitch knishes' by MF DOOM, also known as coffin nails (instrumental)
May 30th, 2010
On on the site ?Do you have PokéAIDS?
Wow, how was this line said in context in the original scene from the movie?
May 30th, 2010
January 19th, 2010
I think Beavis and Butthead - Mr. Anderson was ramblingon to them about some sh*t in one episode and eventually mentioned the story, only the mice were frogs and the cream was milk.
August 27th, 2009
Congratulations, you now have AIDS.
August 26th, 2009
hey which one of you c*ckmunchkins rated it 5