BlueJoshi's recent comments:

August 21st, 2006
On on the site ?Abortion makes me cry
"XMartinX: Uses big words without knowing what they mean." Er? You think those words are big? Man, are you in for a shock when you enter higher education. "Calls people elitist while being the epitome of narcissism himself." I don't see him acting elitist, really. No more than the average person. And elitism != narcissism (Guess you're the one using big words without proper knowledge).
August 3rd, 2006
..That was pretty terrible. Not just because it's wrong, but because it's apparently what you really believe others think. Good music, though.
September 25th, 2005
On on the site ?I can't believe...
This is made of awesome. Awesome and something resembling but not quite butter.