AlienChickenPie's recent comments:

September 2nd, 2006
On on the site ?Mein Führer!
Yay, another Strangelove YTMND. I'll shamelessly plug mine:
August 5th, 2006
I expected NEDM. I am disappointed.
August 5th, 2006
On on the site ?? ? ?
Mystery flavor? That's it? I thought you were referring to "how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll canter of a tootsie pop?"
August 4th, 2006
On on the site ?YTMNDDR - 2nd mix
Megaupload wants me to downlaod their (probably) malwarelicious toolbar. Can you upload the stuff to, or any other site that doesn't make you download a toolbar?
August 4th, 2006
On on the site ?lol, rejected
FAV'd for Rejected.
Never mind, it's the internet. Holy cow burgers for all!
FAV'd, bitch!
On on the site ?T_T THE INTERNET
I'm Lovin' It!
BLATANT THEFT!!!1!!!1one!!11eleventy!!!11 Shiny, consistent surfaces have been around for centuries.
I made it with UpperJaw :P Up and coming, baby!
On on the site ?Parrot... LOLETCH!
God bless Worthwhile YTMNDs for leading me to this :P Sure beats the Scientology section.
NEBF42M can get this a five :P
On on the site ?Real dial-up, lol
Here's an idea for you- make the hot dog car image appear as if it's loading (preferrably non-interlaced), loading about 75% of it, substituting a "broken image" icon for it and then looping back. That'd own.
On on the site ?
4'd because you weren't using the older gman model.
On on the site ?Vader Oddity
FAV'd for ownage
On on the site ?Belly Bounce
On on the site ?E=MC²
The choice of music was hardly ideal. I had a different tune in mind, but I don't know where it's from, or what its name is. Suggest a better background bit, and I'll include it.
A new fad?