hey mods (update coming soon)
Created on: August 26th, 2006
hey mods (update coming soon)
you have noticed that some of your favorite sites have been "killed." Give mods an inch. (inspired by tumult's hey).
None ( ._.)


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(3.72) 375 9 135

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Inbound links:

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59 https://www.bing.com
5 http://www.google.com.hk
3 http://www.marinetraffic.com
2 http://ytmnsfw.com/users/swollhead/

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August 26th, 2006
By doing...what? Moderating sh*tty sites? Um.....................
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
im not sure why theyre doing it, maybe to save money or some crap, but i definitely dont like it. a few of my favorites were killed.
August 26th, 2006
they kill lots of good sites. they need to stop. really. they are acting like the ppl in congress who want to kill free speech on teh net.
August 26th, 2006
i haven't
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
Me neither
August 26th, 2006
how did this get into up and coming?
August 26th, 2006
it did...sweet, and i know there are honest mods, but i see to many good killed sites here and there.
August 26th, 2006
simple but effective. remix is very good, but uncited =(
August 26th, 2006
any examples of sites that have been killed? i've seen none yet :X
August 26th, 2006
how many mods are there?
August 26th, 2006
this is not a hypercube
August 26th, 2006
look in the wiki section
August 26th, 2006
i normally hate giving these ytmnds that take 30 seconds to put together 5s, but i agree too much.
August 26th, 2006
The nothians do not approve.
August 26th, 2006
stupid ytmnd! BE MORE FUNNY!!
August 26th, 2006
8 out of 10 mods become tainted with power over time, I have been studying this for a long time. :/
August 26th, 2006
wtf, adverb and inkdrinker are mods?
August 26th, 2006
5'd for song, who is this from? how did u make it plz pm me 0.0
August 26th, 2006
too much good sh*t is gone
August 26th, 2006
I'd agree more if you upvoted my sites ;)
August 26th, 2006
feel free to spam this on all everysite from every mod
August 26th, 2006
"wtf, adverb and inkdrinker are mods?" Inkdrinker (the original at least) is a pretty honest guy adverb unfortunatly is not
August 26th, 2006
how the f did adverb and inkdrinker become mods. wtf.
August 26th, 2006
ask max not me
August 26th, 2006
you can put it on the board.... yes!
August 26th, 2006
YES!!!! YOU ARE SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS TEH ROXORZ!!!!!
August 26th, 2006
If you're making a list of tyranical dictator mods, then Typogra should be at the very top. he's a loser who argues like a 2nd grader :D
August 26th, 2006
Welcome to the intertubes. Anonymity of mods? check. Balance of values and morals? not check. Corruptability compacity low for many people online? check. Despite these facts, is this a good YTMND? not check. Deserving of a 1 star? Check. Deserving of a 3 stars for telling the truth? Check. 3 star awarded.
August 26th, 2006
i think there should be a probation period in ytmnd where if you've only been a member for 2 days you can't vote or comment. (Try to see who i'm talking about)
August 26th, 2006
I've only seen the problem occur with notably sh*tty ytmnd's so far, and I have no problem with that. When they start taking out enough sites with a rating above two, I'll complain.
August 26th, 2006
"wtf, adverb and inkdrinker are mods?" Thats... retarded on so many levels.
August 26th, 2006
inkdrinker earned his mod status. so you find him unpopular since he hates everything, he does a good job regardless.
August 26th, 2006
Regardless of how I YTMND a... I see what you did there.
August 26th, 2006
That comment should read "Regardless of how I feel on the subject I give this YTMND a... I see what you did there."
August 26th, 2006
why the f*ck does every ytmnd turn into somethin about INKDRINKER. All i'm sayin is that i'm seeing alot of killed sites lately and it pissis me off.
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
lol@this being a mod favorite now. i love it.
August 26th, 2006
Funny, I haven't come across a single killed site recently that I didn't think was deserving of deletion as well. Like the disgraceful "Sui-chan" YTMND for example. IMO the mods deserve a pat on the back.
August 26th, 2006
no u
August 26th, 2006
the mods are doing a great work...
August 26th, 2006
I agree. The mods do a fine job at deleting stupid sh*t. also, lol @ mod fav.
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
you may be telling the truth, but that doesn't make this a good YTMND and does not deserve to be on the front page. Maybe you should put some effort into it and make it worthy, but until then, here's your 1 star
August 26th, 2006
Upvoted 4 grat justise
August 26th, 2006
here1 here1
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
oh no the mod killed my slideshow about pluto being declassified as a planet on connery's birthday! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME?!?!?!!?!?!?
August 26th, 2006
hey mods eat a dick u 13 year old power tripping f*ggots
August 26th, 2006
Seriously, if a site isn't safe for work, make it NSFW, don't kill it. If a site isn't NSFW, then leave it the f*ck alone. I'm so sick of good sites getting killed because a mod was bitchy that day.
August 26th, 2006
Sooo true
August 26th, 2006
A few os my favs too. This is going too far...
August 26th, 2006
true... the mods here are horrible
August 26th, 2006
Seconded and duly noted.
August 26th, 2006
5'd in more ways than one, lol.
August 26th, 2006
you know this is gonna get killed too...
August 26th, 2006
they mustve been killed because they either sucked or they went against the terms of service: in example: anime, hentai, 4chan, inside joke, that kind of thing.
August 26th, 2006
"they mustve been killed because they either sucked or they went against the terms of service: in example: anime, hentai, 4chan, inside joke, that kind of thing." starwarsmetal.ytmnd.com was none of these, and that's just one example.
August 26th, 2006
I agree.
August 26th, 2006
They aren't abusing anything..
August 26th, 2006
Abusing Powers is fun. :D
August 26th, 2006
They're doing a good job deleting crap.
August 26th, 2006
Adverb is a mod? That is insane.
August 26th, 2006
minimalist ftw
August 26th, 2006
What was the point of this?
August 26th, 2006
even if they are, this site is still lame
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
I've never had a problem with a mod. Plus, some text in an image doens't make for laughs or a good YTMND.
August 26th, 2006
fight the power
August 26th, 2006
Way to stick it to the man. This isn't even remotely funny. Nor does it look like you spent more than 2 seconds on it.
August 26th, 2006
f*ck da police
August 26th, 2006
to everyone 1ing this it's not an art ytmnd it's a statement and that statement is that the mods here are total f*ggots which is a ture statement so stfu
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
I don't think Adverb is a mod anymore. He made a site about it. http://justfyi2.ytmnd.com/
August 26th, 2006
Stop beign a f*ggot 14 year old.
August 26th, 2006
Some of my favs were killed.
August 26th, 2006
this site will be deleted right...about...
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
There's rumours on the internets that Max is planning on making as much money as he can from YTMND.
August 26th, 2006
someone should kill this piece of sh*t too
August 26th, 2006
Give me a few examples of some good sites being killed...most that have been killed involved racism, copyright, and hardcore sick anime hentai...they all deserved it.
August 26th, 2006
$10 says you're next to be banned.
August 26th, 2006
lol, mod power trip. I'm sick of seeing this kind of bullsh*t everywhere on the internets.
August 26th, 2006
+4 for posting this message. I would scared as hell every site I had would be killed. I've heard it's happened to people that got into an argument with a mod...
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
5'd for funny honesty.
August 26th, 2006
They deserved to be killed
August 26th, 2006
lol well done
August 26th, 2006
Deleting uninspired NEDM slide shows is not what I call "abusing power".
August 26th, 2006
If I were a mod i would kill this site, because it SUCKS.
August 26th, 2006
where is teh funneh
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
Funny that my nose bled right when i saw the word abusing
August 26th, 2006
lol, this site just got killed
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
lol, owned
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
Funny joke, in a way, but this killed site crap needs to stop.
August 26th, 2006
btw. thanks for proving my point you mod pricks.
August 26th, 2006
lol, i 5'd anyway
August 26th, 2006
a figurative 5 at least
August 26th, 2006
5'd. Gay mods suck royally...
August 26th, 2006
"i think there should be a probation period in ytmnd where if you've only been a member for 2 days you can't vote or comment. (Try to see who i'm talking about)" ... "you may be telling the truth, but that doesn't make this a good YTMND and does not deserve to be on the front page. Maybe you should put some effortinto it and make it worthy, but until then, here's your 1 star" .... Exactly. 3 stars downgraded to one star.
August 26th, 2006
Some cheese for that fine whine?
August 26th, 2006
lol, moderated! Pwned, you f*cktard.
August 26th, 2006
Wow. These mods are dicks. I think it's about time for a reelection. or at least some way to make them accountable for their actions.
August 26th, 2006
August 26th, 2006
Yes, I've heard of them turning YTMNDs into YTMNSFWs when they arn't supposed to be YTMNSFWs. Its dumb.
August 26th, 2006
The reason people act like jerks on the internets is because you can't walk up to them and slap them silly when they do.
August 26th, 2006
"im not sure why theyre doing it, maybe to save money or some crap, but i definitely dont like it. a few of my favorites were killed." - mattdh12; I agree, they shouldn't delete TOP rated sites, only the cr@p rated at about 2.5 and under
August 26th, 2006
- p.s. 5 for front page to spread the idea.
August 26th, 2006
I agree they need to stop
August 26th, 2006
I don't think I've ever seen a killed site before now. If anything, the mods are doing their job.
August 26th, 2006
true genius isn't complicated. I think this site is funny and I don't even care about the mods. "put in some effot" what would you like to see? a 900 slide "unfunny truth about mods" that takes 3 hours to watch? I think he got his point across and made some people laugh.
August 26th, 2006
Haha, and they killed you. Proof of the abuse. J'accuse!
August 26th, 2006
LMFAO Its the music that makes this so dam funny.. What is that song tho? sound like some gamboy game i used to play.. i think its like turok or something lol o well. 5/5
August 26th, 2006
^^^reading origins and description goes along way
August 26th, 2006
Downvoted for NEDM.
August 26th, 2006
yeah, mods are being asses lately, but you should put up a better ytmnd than this though
August 27th, 2006
August 27th, 2006
I love this site
August 27th, 2006
August 27th, 2006
I hte how it's now up to mods to decide what's good and not. I mean I understad some like deleting that tubgirl site but others, lets just say the mods were the few that didn't like it.
August 27th, 2006
If I had a dollar for every time some fool posted CP that I had to kill (and then clean my f*cking cache afterwards,) I'd go buy lunch right now. I prefer pre-moderated YTMND when it was the Wild West of the web, but we're doing a damned good job of keeping your little retard Romper Room in one piece.
August 27th, 2006
Yeah, they killed one of mine, but it deserved to be killed. 1'd until I have any reason to agree with you.
August 27th, 2006
inkdrinker is right. That, and I've had to kill so many sh*tty injoke sites by now that I've literally felt like going insane. It isn't fun, and f*ck the god damned pedos that actually post the f'ing kiddie porn that I and other mods gets stuck cleaning up.
August 27th, 2006
Again, those porn sites and such deserve to be destroyed, but just try to do a better job moderating things based on facts and what's wrong with it, not based on you don't like it.
August 27th, 2006
didn't the mods delete this site???
August 27th, 2006
^they tried
August 28th, 2006
August 28th, 2006
Seriously, go cry about it. If you don't like how things are run, get the f*ck out of here.
April 20th, 2007
mods can't kill sites anymore, so I imagine all the criticism of the widespread abuse of that mod feature actually did something