Bush Admits it
Created on: August 22nd, 2006
Bush Admits it
Bush admits Iraq wasn't involved on 9-11


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August 22nd, 2006
we knew that
August 22nd, 2006
hahaha nice
August 22nd, 2006
quite obviously so, but that doesn't mean the war in Iraq is pointless
August 22nd, 2006
but HE finally say it. THATS what makes it so delicious.
August 22nd, 2006
it doesn't matter, the damage has been done, both iraq and the US are stuck there holding each others dicks
August 22nd, 2006
I love how he himself refers to it as an "agenda."
August 22nd, 2006
Iraq is just a personal vendetta with him. He is brilliant at being a complete dolt.
August 22nd, 2006
lololol, pwned.
August 22nd, 2006
President Bush: International Man of Peppers
August 22nd, 2006
I don't see why he's "pwned"
August 22nd, 2006
It only took 5 f*cking years.
August 22nd, 2006
"No one ever said Iraq was behind 9/11." What are you f*cking retarded? When one asks "Why did we invade Iraq" and the administration replies "Because we were attacked on 9/11", that is a claim that they were connected. Simply because they never used the line "Saddam attacked us on 9/11" doesn't mean that they didn't claim he had a hand in it.
August 22nd, 2006
when did he make this quote? date plz ^_^
August 22nd, 2006
It was played off as Iraq was responsible just weeks after 9/11. Alas, the American people were blind to it. Only when gas prices rocketed due to issues in the middle east did they pull their heads out of their asses.
August 22nd, 2006
August 22nd, 2006
As well, the American government is trying to underhand an invasion of Iran to the people, their reasoning being that Iran is a "threat." Pass the coffee cake.
August 22nd, 2006
August 22nd, 2006
August 22nd, 2006
Iraq never was behind 9/11, every f*cking half wit around the god damned globe knew that sh*t.
August 22nd, 2006
lol! i feel sorry for americans
August 22nd, 2006
" Iraq never was behind 9/11, every f*cking half wit around the god damned globe knew that sh*t. " Except for the half wit in the white house.
August 22nd, 2006
FINALLY. it only took 5 f*cking years.
August 22nd, 2006
f*ck u
August 22nd, 2006
http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2003-09-06-poll-iraq_x.htm - at one point 70% polled said they thought Saddam was involved... who do you think they're getting that link from? Dennis Kucinich? I think not.
August 22nd, 2006
Either way, radical islamists are still blowing themselves up on people and now have even targeted neutral Germany and Canada. "WE HAVE NUTTIN TO DO WITH 'MERICA LOL." Yet that obviously doesn't protect them. But yeah, that's off-topic anyway. 5'd because this was interesting.
August 22nd, 2006
We went into Iraq for WMDs, nobody ever said it had anything to do with Afganistan not that it was directly related to 9/11....seirously, pay attention to politics people.
August 22nd, 2006
http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/06/29/hayes.911/ - heres just one of many examples of GOP politicians claiming Saddam was linked to 9/11... responsible ones like McCain at least expressed doubt but even Cheney kept saying they would neither confirm nor deny reports of links with Al Qaeda...
August 22nd, 2006
also c*cks
August 22nd, 2006
5'd for hating on Bush, who cares how valid it is. What a tool.
August 22nd, 2006
Are you dumb? People forget so easily who we are at war with, hence the creation of ignorant ytmnds.
August 22nd, 2006
MasterSitsu, they can claim all they want but that doesnt change the fact that the reason given was for WMDs, so it shouldnt matter if it had anything to do with 9/11
August 22nd, 2006
Question: "What did Iraq have to do with the attack on the World Trade Center" Answer: "Nothing." No sh*t...Iraq was NEVER blamed for 9/11.
August 22nd, 2006
you're missing the point of my comment Refractor, I'm commenting with regards to this YTMND. But you shouldnt ignore the fact that a great deal of Americans believed Iraq was involved, was one of many points of support for war, that Iraq was part of the 9/11 revenge...
August 22nd, 2006
What should be obvious more than anything is that its clear by how long they avoided saying this line that to get what they wanted it was obvious they WANTED people to make the connection even if it didnt exist. This Clintonesque parsing of language doesnt work for me any more now than it did with any other president.
August 22nd, 2006
and since i doubt many will click the link i gave, heres the important part: "Saddam Hussein and people like him were very much involved in 9/11," Rep. Robin Hayes said. Told no investigation had ever found evidence to link Saddam and 9/11, Hayes responded, "I'm sorry, but you must have looked in the wrong places." Hayes, the vice chairman of the House subcommittee on terrorism, said legislators have access to evidence others do not. - others disagreed, but that direct connection DID get made...
August 22nd, 2006
"But you shouldnt ignore the fact that a great deal of Americans believed Iraq was involved, was one of many points of support for war, that Iraq was part of the 9/11 revenge..." I support the war, but I was not one of those americans. Iraq had nothing to do with revenge for 9/11. So what if Bush says Iraq was not responsible for 9/11? Nobody I knew ever thought it was.
August 22nd, 2006
I dunno, whatever. The fact that Iraq was not involved with 9/11 always seemed like a no brainer to me.
August 22nd, 2006
Altered to Midvote.
August 22nd, 2006
"We went into Iraq for WMDs, nobody ever said it had anything to do with Afganistan not that it was directly related to 9/11....seirously, pay attention to politics people." O Rly douchebag? http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/0314/p02s01-woiq.html
August 22nd, 2006
"I support the war, but I was not one of those americans. Iraq had nothing to do with revenge for 9/11." - thats great for you, I'm glad, but not only did that poll from right when the war begin indicate others DID, I myself have known SEEEEEVERRRRAL, including my religious grandparents, who did.
August 22nd, 2006
^ here here sitsu. Go to www.nodakoutdoors.com/forums and you will come across fifty or sixty north dakotans who to this day believe that Saddam had a hand in 9/11 and had WMD.
August 22nd, 2006
This just in: nobody cares
August 22nd, 2006
^ "This just in: nobody cares" Apathy is precisely why half of the nation believes that Saddam had a hand in 9/11
August 22nd, 2006
liberal crap
August 22nd, 2006
at least he ANSWERED a question this time..
August 22nd, 2006
We invaded them because they rejected UN inspectors for their nuclear program, it had nothing to do with terrorist attacks, hence why he says so
August 22nd, 2006
August 22nd, 2006
August 22nd, 2006
who is this new to.
August 22nd, 2006
August 22nd, 2006
They let UN inspectors in, and after 2 weeks of finding nothing, we decided we would invade to look for ourselves. There was nothing there, and the pushing the UN out of the way was foolish.
August 22nd, 2006
Refractor is retarded, as are most of the people who are downvoting this. God dammit you people are f*cking retarded if you don't understand why this is so ironic. Learn how to vote or gtfo out of the US you useless twats.
August 22nd, 2006
5 for pissing off dumbass right-wingers
August 22nd, 2006
August 22nd, 2006
holy crap i JUST saw this on the daily show literally seconds ago
August 22nd, 2006
Bush repeatedly uses 9/11 to justify Iraq... that's why this is funny. By admitting that 9/11 has 0 to do with Iraq but still using it to justify Iraq he shows that he is openly racist. Think about it.
August 22nd, 2006
See 3rd comment
August 22nd, 2006
The hilarious thing is that it is now all the rage to take statements made by this administration in previous years, and deny them as silly. Somehow some people (like the downvoters here) are gullible enough to erase their memory of past statements and accept the new ones as if they were always the administration's arguments.
August 22nd, 2006
August 22nd, 2006
f*cking politics! soooo lame. I come to YTMMD to get away from idiots like you.
August 22nd, 2006
hahahah . . . that expression . . . he should be making that expression always.
September 6th, 2006
"We invaded them because they rejected UN inspectors for their nuclear program, it had nothing to do with terrorist attacks, hence why he says so" - the inspectors were in and they had Iraq actually dismantling the AlSamoud2 missles they actually DID have. saying they were rejecting the inspectors left and right is bullsh*t.
December 26th, 2006